Ensign volatility stop

Ensign volatility stop

This is a code converted from AFL and based on a volatility stop originally developed by Ensign, now public domain.

Benefit of this stop: parametrable “elasticity” in order to avoid early stop-out within existing trend- this stop “absorbs” the inevitable little pullbacks of the prices.

But, drawbacks of my converted code – and here I am keenfully awaiting the help of Nicolas:

it takes literally forever for the code to chart (45 secondes of calculation on my very fast machine) before charting. And when using Defparam calculate on last x bars, it doesn’t help really.  Is there a way to make this code much quicker?

I didn’t find the equivalent of AFL “Null” instructions: in this case, it would be used in the calculation of upline and dnline for the value given after the “else” condition. “Null” then generates NO plotting of the indicator. Due to that, I had to use the “coloured” params to try make the indicator invisible on the chart (white colour on a white background chart) but it is not very “handsome”

Enjoy this nice indicator, and thank you for any improvement/help.

PRT code for EnsignVolatStop



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  1. Denis • 01/04/2022 #

    Very interesting indicator, many thanks.
    But I confirm that it takes way too long to load, a minute or more.
    When I activate Defparam by deleting “//”, nothing appears.
    Nicolas, you who are always a great help, do you have an idea to solve this problem please?
    Thanking you in advance for your precious help

  2. CederTrader • 01/04/2022 #

    Hi Denis, does this indicator add to the chart as panel, or on the candles. Thanks

    • Nicolas • 01/04/2022 #

      Add it on the price chart as described in this video: https://www.prorealcode.com/blog/video-tutorials/how-to-add-an-indicator-on-price-prorealtime/

  3. Denis • 01/04/2022 #

    Hello Nicolas and Ceder Trader,
    Sorry, I only just saw your replies.
    The indicator is already well established on the prices, so the problem does not come from there

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