EOD Cash Market Pivots – Index Trading

EOD Cash Market Pivots – Index Trading

The pivot point(s) are interpreted as a progressive direct support and resistance level, which determines the primary trend. In addition, first to third level resistance and support points serve as additional indicators of possible trend reversal or continuation (Based on Floor Pivot Points).

CBOL/CBOS (Camarilla BreakOut Long/Short) are R4 based Camarilla pivot points and help identify breakout and support trading, especially around a cash market open.

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  1. smp • 11/03/2021 #

    I also have a Fibonacci Pivot indicator for use in the Forex markets; follow this link: https://www.prorealcode.com/prorealtime-indicators/fibonacci-pivots-points/

  2. Midtabledross • 11/03/2021 #

    Are there any instructions on how to use this indicator as on the the face of it, it looks excellent?

    • smp • 11/03/2021 #

      Using these cash indicators is a huge help and I have a number of successful strategies and use them every day. For example, closing the GAP (Cash close), R3/S3 high probability bounce and Breakaway CBOL/CBOS trades to name a few. I trade these live and record them every day in my trading community.

  3. Kovit • 11/03/2021 #

    Doesnt seem to work, just screws up chart when applied to price.

    • Nicolas • 11/03/2021 #

      change the price scale(vertical axis) to “use price only”.

  4. smp • 11/03/2021 #

    I use it every day and it works fine. It sounds like you are having issues. Happy to help you sort out the installation if you want via zoom? We use this set-up every day in our trading community, so know it works fine. When running correctly, you will find this very valuable.
    Just let me know – I am happy to help.

  5. YvesRobert • 11/03/2021 #

    Hi smp, how should I configure this indicator because everything is at zero -> High, Close, Prevlo, low, PrevHi. Thank you.

    • smp • 11/03/2021 #

      Hi, this is an end of day pivots indicator, so you need to find the end of day pivot info; this can be found in many places, but I use this as it is very reliable


      Once you have this data, you can copy the high/low/close data into the boxes. Don’t forget to put previous days’ high/close, and then you are good to go with the indicator drawing in all the relevant pivot points for the day. If you have this routine, it takes a couple of minutes a day. If you have any other questions then, please let me know.

  6. YvesRobert • 11/03/2021 #

    Thank you smp.

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