Exponential Volatility Bands

Exponential Volatility Bands

Same principle as famous “Bollinger Bands” but with REAL EXPONENTIALY WEIGHTED STANDARD DEVIATION algorithm as band multiplier from an EMA mid.

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jissey J'essaie de vous contacter pour l'indicateur"cm rsi"....
Nicolas Yes, that's how it goes when using loops..
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Appsoluxions Hi Nicolas, do you have the MT4 version of the indicator? I am not sure if these kind of que...
Nicolas Hi, don't have one sorry. But you can still ask for private coding through our programming s...
Appsoluxions Cool. Thanks for the response.
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Nicolas Je viens de vérifier, elles y sont pourtant?
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Francesco78 EMA is not a moving average, it is just the name we called the quantity defined above
Khaled My bad. Thank you so much!
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Abz Thanks gabri
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besserwerden Hi, i like this bollinger moz arrwos. How can I use this indicator in an screener? I want to...
Nicolas No sorry, please use this file instead into a prorealtime trading platform.
rdabbs I just installed this indicator. It opens in its own pane rather than overlaid on the chart ...
Nicolas Just apply it on your price chart instead and you're ok.
