Forex Entry Point Indicator (no repaint)

Forex Entry Point Indicator (no repaint)

This indicator is  a conversion for ProRealTime of the “Forex Entry Points Indicator” for mt4.

The original version of this indicator repaints, which means that as new quotes appear, the indicator modifies the recent signals it gave. As a result, the signals on historical data are much more relevant that the signals you get in real-time.

This version for ProRealTime is improved as it does not repaint.

This is the code for version v10.2 and below. You need to add the indicator below the price and set it in histogram.
V10.2 code :

This is the code for version v10.3 and above. You need to add the indicator directly to the price chart.
V10.3 code :

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ProRealTime ITF files and other attachments : How to import ITF files into ProRealTime platform?

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  1. algotrader • 06/09/2016 #

    HiI have done some little fine tuning and I’m running this as live trading on the SA40 index (South Africa)Getting positive results!! ;)However, I don’t use a stop loss or anything a like.Just an exit/take profit, with “set target pProfit 22”Gain: 1188, Win: 22 Loss: 2 My question is, how come the system closing a trade if there is no code for it?What/Why its happening?—– Code —–
    DEFPARAM CumulateOrders = false //True
    IF time >= 072900 and time <= 113000 THEN

    Once periodK = 21
    Once periodD = 12
    Once smoothing = 14
    Once highZone = 76
    Once lowZone = 24

    stochK = Stochastic[periodK,smoothing](Close)
    stochD = SmoothedStochastic[periodD,smoothing](Close)

    if stochK<stochD and stochK[1]>stochD[1] and stochK<lowZone and stochK[1]<lowZone then
    buy 2 contract at market

    if stochK>stochD and stochK[1]<stochD[1] and stochK>highZone and stochK[1]>highZone then
    sellshort 2 contract at market

    set target pprofit 22


    Thank you,A.

    • Nicolas • 06/09/2016 #

      Because new short positions initiated by your conditions close current long ones and vice-versa.

  2. algotrader • 06/09/2016 #

    I mean, the system is closing a trade at a loss where there is no code for it?

  3. algotrader • 06/09/2016 #

    Hello NicollasI see.. that means I need to use a “Force Open” codeAnd/Or change the “
    DEFPARAM CumulateOrders = false to True..Right?

    • Nicolas • 06/09/2016 #

      No, cumulateorders is only there to allow cumulating orders of the same kind (buy or sell). In ProOrder, it’s not possible to have buy and sell orders at the same time, you’ll need to make 2 different strategies if you want to allow this.

  4. algotrader • 06/09/2016 #

    Thank you.

  5. gordontan • 06/09/2016 #

    HI ADMIN, can you do me a favor ??i hope that you can post the ex4 or mq4 file version of this non repaint indicator. because i dont know how to attach your codes into my mt4..can you help ,please…i am interested in this indicator as it is NON REPAINT INDICATOR AS YOU MENTIONED.. PLEASE HELP..

  6. sagittario75 • 06/09/2016 #

    Good morning,
    You might have a change to this code so that you change the time settings directly from the program screen?
    thank you

  7. sandfred • 06/09/2016 #

    can this indicator be both converted into .mq4. i couldnt use it as .itf

    • Nicolas • 06/09/2016 #

      For any customized code, you can ask the programming services:

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