FX Forecaster

FX Forecaster

The FX Forecaster provides buy and sell signals based on moving average cross-overs and the OSMA indicator.

The histograms are based upon Fisher transform calculation.

Trading Signals

  • BUY: Wait for the black and purple bar to appear above the 0 level.
  • SELL: Wait for the black and purple bar to appear below the 0 level.

Converted from MT4 indicator code by a request in our indicators coding forum.


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  1. mecon • 03/27/2018 #

    I was looking for the “pure” OSMA (moving average of oscillator) from MT4. Does anybody know the code for OSMA?

    • Nicolas • 03/27/2018 #

      Please add a request on forums for any MT4 code conversion, thank you.
      Follow these easy steps for any request: https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/free-conversion-mt4-indicators-mql4/

  2. mecon • 03/27/2018 #

    I will do so, thank you!

  3. avatar
    Anonymous • 03/27/2018 #

    @mecon, did you ever get one?

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