Guppy Indicator

Guppy Indicator

the original guppy indicator, with the short term traders (blue) and long term investors (red)

go only with the trend of the long term investors, and search for trouble in the short term traders (blue) to find good entries.

i use it on weekly data for lower market noise.

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  1. Stenozar • 05/16/2018 #

    Hi Odin, this indicator is very interesting but I don’t undertand how you see when short term traders are in trouble. Can you explain it please?

  2. SoloContado • 05/16/2018 #

    Hi, as I see it, when close is below the blues or crossing it downwards

  3. odin • 05/16/2018 #

    The shorts in trouble with my own coded short term trouble indicator, its when the difference between the 3 fastest emas are negative and increasing.

  4. odin • 05/16/2018 #

    here is my code

    c1 = ExponentialAverage[3](close)
    c2 = ExponentialAverage[5](close)
    c3 = ExponentialAverage[8](close)

    c4 = (c1-c2)*100/c2
    c5 = (c2-c3)*100/c3
    c7 = (c1-c3)*100/c3
    c6 = (c4+c5+ c7)/3

    Color = 0
    IF (c6 > c6[1]) then
    Color = 1
    ELSIF (c6 c6[1] and c6[1] < c6[2] and c6[1] < 0 then
    result = 0.5
    result = 0

    RETURN c6 Coloured By Color,0, result

  5. juanj • 05/16/2018 #

    HI Odin

    Can you also kindly provide the code for the ‘Short Term Trader Squezze’ indicator. Thanks

  6. odin • 05/16/2018 #

    this is the short term Trader squezze indicator. short term Trader in Trouble and squezze is the same. greetz

  7. mcha • 05/16/2018 #

    il manque un signe entre les c6 à la ligne 11 du short term trader squeeze
    bien cordialement

  8. zen83 • 05/16/2018 #

    mcha je suppose que la ligne correcte est ELSIF (c6 < c6[1] and c6[1] < c6[2] and c6[1] < 0) then

  9. Gordon101 • 05/16/2018 #

    Hi when I added your Guppy indicator to my chart it went below the chart beside the oscillators in a separate window, with all white lines. Can you advice how to get it onto my chart? Thanks

    • Nicolas • 05/16/2018 #

      Add it on the price by using the wrench located on the left upper side of your price chart.

  10. Gordon101 • 05/16/2018 #

    Thanks Nicolas, worked a treat.

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