ITF provided :
– “Heikin IV” displayed on the main chart- “Trend Heikin IV” displayed on the secondary graph
Heikin IV uses the same parameters as heikin-ashi, the difference is that the haclose is replaced by the real close
The calculation method for heikin ashi includes haclose, so the calculation is not upset by the real close.
Trend Heikin IV gives you the meaning of the candles to simplify the reading…
Yours sincerely,IV
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 |
// //============================== Indicateur //Hienkin IV if barindex>1 then haclosex=(open+close+low+high)/4 haopen=(haopen[1]+haclosex[1])/2 xHigh = Max(haOpen, haClosex) xLow = Min(haOpen, haClosex) hahigh = Max(High,xHigh) halow = Min(Low,xLow) endif //Affichage drawcandle(haopen,hahigh,halow,close) return |
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