Ichimoku Tenkan-Kijun Cross

Ichimoku Tenkan-Kijun Cross

This code shows an Ichimoku indicator, for Tenkan-Kijun cross.
+1 for buy conditions
-1 for sell conditions

Buy conditions :

Tenkan crosses over Kijun

Tenkan & Kijun > Kumo

Close > Kumo

Chikou > Kumo

Sell conditions : the opposite

Happy Trading !

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  1. supertiti • 03/25/2016 #

    comment remonte t’on une image ici ? je ne vois pas le bouton qui va bien …merci

  2. Doctrading • 03/25/2016 #

    Je n’ai pas bien compris la question, que veux-tu dire par “remonter” une image ?
    Je ne crois pas qu’on puisse rajouter une image à un post effectivement.Peut être que l’adminisstrateur lui le peut, avec un code HTML.

  3. supertiti • 03/25/2016 #

    oui c’est cela si je veux ajouter une image je ne peux pas !
    c’etait pour visualiser la chikou qui doit être reportée 26 jours en arrière dans le système Ichimoku

  4. Doctrading • 03/25/2016 #

    A priori on ne peut pas ajouter d’image à un post.
    On verra si par la suite ce forum nous le permet.Cordialement,

  5. Nolamer • 03/25/2016 #

    est ce possible de poster un programme Probacktest avec 

    Achat si Tenkan croisement à la hausse la Kijun 
    Vente si Tenkan croisement à la baisse la Kijun 


  6. elabuelomanyo • 03/25/2016 #

    Hola buenas noches
    Perdonen por escribir en español 
           Forgive me for writing in Spanish //
           Pardonnez-moi pour écrire en espagnol
    El codigo y el fichero itf, no hacen lo que dice. en mi plataforma ProRealTime 10.2 las lineas 3 y 4 dan error hay que ponerles de que precio se hace el maximo y el minimo; las he sustituido por
    Tenkansen = (highest[9](close)+lowest[9](close))/2Kijunsen = (highest[26](close)+lowest[26](close))/2
    Para que el codigo y el fichero haga algo se debe cambiar mas codigo.
    // Codigos sacados de http://www.prorealcode.com/prorealtime-indicators
    // http://www.prorealcode.com/library-list-view/
    // Ichimoku Tenkan-Kijun Cross
    // This code shows an Ichimoku indicator, for Tenkan-Kijun cross.

    // +1 for buy conditions
    // -1 for sell conditions

    // Buy conditions :
    // Tenkan crosses over Kijun
    // Tenkan & Kijun > Kumo
    // Close > Kumo
    // Chikou > Kumo

    cero = 0

    Tenkansen = (highest[9](close)+lowest[9](close))/2
    Kijunsen = (highest[26](close)+lowest[26](close))/2

    SSpanA = (tenkansen[26]+kijunsen[26])/2
    SSpanB = (highest[52](high[26])+lowest[52](low[26]))/2

    //Chikou = close[26]

    // ACHAT
    C1 = close > SSpanA and close > SSpanB
    C2 = Tenkansen crosses over Kijunsen
    C2ini = Tenkansen <= close
    //C3 = Tenkansen > SSpanA and Tenkansen > SSpanB
    //C4 = Kijunsen > SSpanA and Kijunsen > SSpanB
    //C5 = Chikou > SSpanA[26] and Chikou > SSpanB[26]
    if C2ini then
    // cruce previo con el precio
    IF C2 or Tenkansen >= Kijunsen then
    // cruces de medias 9, 26 o medias en tendencia
    if C1 then
    // ademas por encima de la nube

    //IF C1 and C2 and C3 and C4 and C5 THEN
    //INDICATEUR = 1

    // VENTE
    C1v = close < SSpanA and close < SSpanB
    C2v = Tenkansen crosses under Kijunsen
    C2vpre = Tenkansen >= close
    //crosses over close
    //C2vpreT = Tenkansen
    //C2vprec = close[9]
    //C3v = Tenkansen < SSpanA and Tenkansen < SSpanB
    //C4v = Kijunsen < SSpanA and Kijunsen < SSpanB
    //C5v = Chikou < SSpanA[26] and Chikou < SSpanB[26]
    if C2vpre then
    // previo con el precio
    IF C2v then
    // cruces a laa baja
    INDICATEUR = - .5
    if C1v then
    // ademas por debajo de la nube
    if C1 and INDICATEUR < 0 then
    // ademas por encima de la nube
    INDICATEUR = 0.2

    //IF C1v and C2v and C3v and C4v and C5v THEN
    //INDICATEUR = -1

    return INDICATEUR as \"ICHIMOKU TKC\", cero as \"cero\"
    Un saludo.

  7. Doctrading • 03/25/2016 #

    The real formula is : 
    Tenkansen = (highest[9](HIGH)+lowest[9](LOW))/2
    Kijunsen = (highest[26](HIGH)+lowest[26](LOW))/2
    But for me it works without “high” or “low”We must write High and Low to be certain that it will work properly

  8. elabuelomanyo • 03/25/2016 #

    Gracias por la aclaración Doctrading.
    Con ese cambio, en el codigo inicial sigue saliendo una recta en cero.
    Cuando  tenga todo el codigo mirado lo volvere a postear
    Un saludo

  9. elabuelomanyo • 03/25/2016 #

    Hola buenas noches,
    Con el codigo inicial y el acmbio propuesto por Doctrading si sale los cruces, pero no todos; solo aquellos en que se cumplen todas las condiciones.
    Las condiciones C5 y C5v son muy restrictvas
    // Chikou > Kumo// linea de precio retrasada 26 periodos por encima de la nube// Chikou < Kumo// linea de precio retrasads 26 periodos por debajo de la nube
    Creo que hay que dar mas peso a la condicion de que el Tenkansen este por debajo o por encima del precio.
    Un saludo

  10. cami1974 • 03/25/2016 #


    Thanks for this code.

    It seems that “crosses over” and “crosses under” functions have a bug when both variables are identical on previous period: crossing it’s not detected.
    I’ve noticed this when testing Tenkan and Kijun crossing (“Tenkansen crosses over Kijunsen”): they can be identical for several periods.
    When replaced by double comparison (“Tenkansen > Kijunsen and Tenkansen[1] Kijunsen and Tenkansen[1] <= Kijunsen[1]
    C1 = Tenkansen crosses over Kijunsen
    IF C1 THEN
    DRAWARROWUP(barindex, low-atr) coloured(0, 155, 10)
    DRAWTEXT("TST+", barindex, low-atr*3, SansSerif, Bold, 30) coloured(0, 155, 10)

    //C1v = Tenkansen = Kijunsen[1]
    C1v = Tenkansen crosses under Kijunsen
    IF C1v THEN
    DRAWARROWDOWN(barindex, high+atr) coloured(255, 0, 10)
    DRAWTEXT(“TST-“, barindex, high+atr*3, SansSerif, Bold, 30) coloured(255, 0, 10)

    This is a known problem? Do I need to change all my code that uses these functions?

    Thanks in advance.

  11. cami1974 • 03/25/2016 #


    Thanks for this code.

    It seems that “crosses over” and “crosses under” functions have a bug when both variables are identical on previous period: crossing it’s not detected.
    I’ve noticed this when testing Tenkan and Kijun crossing (“Tenkansen crosses over Kijunsen”): they can be identical for several periods.
    When replaced by double comparison (“Tenkansen > Kijunsen and Tenkansen[1] <= Kijunsen[1]") everything works fine.

    When using these functions with a constant ("Tenkansen crosses over 15"), everything works fine.

    I will post the code that I've used to test it in the next post.

    This is a known problem? Do I need to change all my code that uses these functions?

    Thanks in advance.

  12. cami1974 • 03/25/2016 #

    // Check this error on Vallourec UT1h for candle 13/11/2017 09:00

    Tenkansen = (highest[p1](high)+lowest[p1](low))/2
    Kijunsen = (highest[p2](high)+lowest[p2](low))/2

    //C1 = Tenkansen > Kijunsen and Tenkansen[1] <= Kijunsen[1]
    C1 = Tenkansen crosses over Kijunsen
    IF C1 THEN
    DRAWARROWUP(barindex, low-atr) coloured(0, 155, 10)
    DRAWTEXT("TST+", barindex, low-atr*3, SansSerif, Bold, 30) coloured(0, 155, 10)

    //C1v = Tenkansen = Kijunsen[1]
    C1v = Tenkansen crosses under Kijunsen
    IF C1v THEN
    DRAWARROWDOWN(barindex, high+atr) coloured(255, 0, 10)
    DRAWTEXT(“TST-“, barindex, high+atr*3, SansSerif, Bold, 30) coloured(255, 0, 10)

  13. Sebausse • 03/25/2016 #

    I have corrected the code which was only returning “buy” condition:

    Tenkansen = (highest[9]+lowest[9])/2
    Kijunsen = (highest[26]+lowest[26])/2

    SSpanA = (tenkansen[26]+kijunsen[26])/2
    SSpanB = (highest[52](high[26])+lowest[52](low[26]))/2

    Chikou = close[26]

    // ACHAT
    C1 = close > SSpanA and close > SSpanB
    C2 = Tenkansen crosses over Kijunsen
    C3 = Tenkansen > SSpanA and Tenkansen > SSpanB
    C4 = Kijunsen > SSpanA and Kijunsen > SSpanB
    C5 = Chikou > SSpanA[26] and Chikou > SSpanB[26]
    LongCondition = C1 and C2 and C3 and C4 and C5

    // VENTE
    C1v = close < SSpanA and close < SSpanB
    C2v = Tenkansen crosses under Kijunsen
    C3v = Tenkansen < SSpanA and Tenkansen < SSpanB
    C4v = Kijunsen < SSpanA and Kijunsen < SSpanB
    C5v = Chikou < SSpanA[26] and Chikou < SSpanB[26]
    ShortCondition = C1v and C2v and C3v and C4v and C5v

    If LongCondition then
    Result = 1

    If ShortCondition then
    Result = -1

    SCREENER[(LongCondition) Or (ShortCondition)] (Result as "Go")

  14. Domingos Amoedo • 03/25/2016 #

    Hello, thanks for this code.
    I need to change the c5 and c5v conditions for this ones:

    C5 (for long positions): the Chikou Span is above the price curve.
    C5V (for short positions): the Chikou Span is below the price curve.

    These two conditions add greater strength to buy/sell signals.

    Thanks in advance.

  15. Ronny • 03/25/2016 #

    Should C5 = Chikou > SSpanA[26] and Chikou > SSpanB[26] be C5 = Chikou > SSpanA and Chikou > SSpanB? Shouldn’t we check if Chikou is above the CURRENT cloud? Or am I missing something?

  16. Emperor.it • 03/25/2016 #

    Chikou = close[26] it’s a mistake. Chikou Span is today’s closing moved back 26 periods. It is not the close of 26 periods ago.

    • Nicolas • 03/25/2016 #

      Indeed, there is a mistake in that code. It is often the case when using Ichimoku and its translated lines backward or forward

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