This code shows an Ichimoku indicator, for Tenkan-Kijun cross.
+1 for buy conditions
-1 for sell conditions
Buy conditions :
Tenkan crosses over Kijun
Tenkan & Kijun > Kumo
Close > Kumo
Chikou > Kumo
Sell conditions : the opposite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 |
INDICATEUR = 0 Tenkansen = (highest[9](close)+lowest[9](close))/2 Kijunsen = (highest[26](close)+lowest[26](close))/2 SSpanA = (tenkansen[26]+kijunsen[26])/2 SSpanB = (highest[52](high[26])+lowest[52](low[26]))/2 Chikou = close[26] // ACHAT C1 = close > SSpanA and close > SSpanB C2 = Tenkansen crosses over Kijunsen C3 = Tenkansen > SSpanA and Tenkansen > SSpanB C4 = Kijunsen > SSpanA and Kijunsen > SSpanB C5 = Chikou > SSpanA[26] and Chikou > SSpanB[26] IF C1 and C2 and C3 and C4 and C5 THEN INDICATEUR = 1 ENDIF // VENTE C1v = close < SSpanA and close < SSpanB C2v = Tenkansen crosses under Kijunsen C3v = Tenkansen < SSpanA and Tenkansen < SSpanB C4v = Kijunsen < SSpanA and Kijunsen < SSpanB C5v = Chikou < SSpanA[26] and Chikou < SSpanB[26] IF C1v and C2v and C3v and C4v and C5v THEN INDICATEUR = -1 ENDIF return INDICATEUR as "ICHIMOKU TKC" |
Happy Trading !
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comment remonte t’on une image ici ? je ne vois pas le bouton qui va bien …merci
Je n’ai pas bien compris la question, que veux-tu dire par “remonter” une image ?
Je ne crois pas qu’on puisse rajouter une image à un post effectivement.Peut être que l’adminisstrateur lui le peut, avec un code HTML.
oui c’est cela si je veux ajouter une image je ne peux pas !
c’etait pour visualiser la chikou qui doit être reportée 26 jours en arrière dans le système Ichimoku
A priori on ne peut pas ajouter d’image à un post.
On verra si par la suite ce forum nous le permet.Cordialement,
est ce possible de poster un programme Probacktest avec
Achat si Tenkan croisement à la hausse la Kijun
Vente si Tenkan croisement à la baisse la Kijun
Hola buenas noches
Perdonen por escribir en español
Forgive me for writing in Spanish //
Pardonnez-moi pour écrire en espagnol
El codigo y el fichero itf, no hacen lo que dice. en mi plataforma ProRealTime 10.2 las lineas 3 y 4 dan error hay que ponerles de que precio se hace el maximo y el minimo; las he sustituido por
Tenkansen = (highest[9](close)+lowest[9](close))/2Kijunsen = (highest[26](close)+lowest[26](close))/2
Para que el codigo y el fichero haga algo se debe cambiar mas codigo.
// Codigos sacados de
// Ichimoku Tenkan-Kijun Cross
// This code shows an Ichimoku indicator, for Tenkan-Kijun cross.
// +1 for buy conditions
// -1 for sell conditions
// Buy conditions :
// Tenkan crosses over Kijun
// Tenkan & Kijun > Kumo
// Close > Kumo
// Chikou > Kumo
cero = 0
Tenkansen = (highest[9](close)+lowest[9](close))/2
Kijunsen = (highest[26](close)+lowest[26](close))/2
SSpanA = (tenkansen[26]+kijunsen[26])/2
SSpanB = (highest[52](high[26])+lowest[52](low[26]))/2
//Chikou = close[26]
C1 = close > SSpanA and close > SSpanB
C2 = Tenkansen crosses over Kijunsen
C2ini = Tenkansen <= close
//C3 = Tenkansen > SSpanA and Tenkansen > SSpanB
//C4 = Kijunsen > SSpanA and Kijunsen > SSpanB
//C5 = Chikou > SSpanA[26] and Chikou > SSpanB[26]
if C2ini then
// cruce previo con el precio
IF C2 or Tenkansen >= Kijunsen then
// cruces de medias 9, 26 o medias en tendencia
if C1 then
// ademas por encima de la nube
//IF C1 and C2 and C3 and C4 and C5 THEN
C1v = close < SSpanA and close < SSpanB
C2v = Tenkansen crosses under Kijunsen
C2vpre = Tenkansen >= close
//crosses over close
//C2vpreT = Tenkansen
//C2vprec = close[9]
//C3v = Tenkansen < SSpanA and Tenkansen < SSpanB
//C4v = Kijunsen < SSpanA and Kijunsen < SSpanB
//C5v = Chikou < SSpanA[26] and Chikou < SSpanB[26]
if C2vpre then
// previo con el precio
IF C2v then
// cruces a laa baja
if C1v then
// ademas por debajo de la nube
if C1 and INDICATEUR < 0 then
// ademas por encima de la nube
//IF C1v and C2v and C3v and C4v and C5v THEN
return INDICATEUR as \"ICHIMOKU TKC\", cero as \"cero\"
Un saludo.
The real formula is :
Tenkansen = (highest[9](HIGH)+lowest[9](LOW))/2
Kijunsen = (highest[26](HIGH)+lowest[26](LOW))/2
But for me it works without “high” or “low”We must write High and Low to be certain that it will work properly
Gracias por la aclaración Doctrading.
Con ese cambio, en el codigo inicial sigue saliendo una recta en cero.
Cuando tenga todo el codigo mirado lo volvere a postear
Un saludo
Hola buenas noches,
Con el codigo inicial y el acmbio propuesto por Doctrading si sale los cruces, pero no todos; solo aquellos en que se cumplen todas las condiciones.
Las condiciones C5 y C5v son muy restrictvas
// Chikou > Kumo// linea de precio retrasada 26 periodos por encima de la nube// Chikou < Kumo// linea de precio retrasads 26 periodos por debajo de la nube
Creo que hay que dar mas peso a la condicion de que el Tenkansen este por debajo o por encima del precio.
Un saludo
Thanks for this code.
It seems that “crosses over” and “crosses under” functions have a bug when both variables are identical on previous period: crossing it’s not detected.
I’ve noticed this when testing Tenkan and Kijun crossing (“Tenkansen crosses over Kijunsen”): they can be identical for several periods.
When replaced by double comparison (“Tenkansen > Kijunsen and Tenkansen[1] Kijunsen and Tenkansen[1] <= Kijunsen[1]
C1 = Tenkansen crosses over Kijunsen
DRAWARROWUP(barindex, low-atr) coloured(0, 155, 10)
DRAWTEXT("TST+", barindex, low-atr*3, SansSerif, Bold, 30) coloured(0, 155, 10)
//C1v = Tenkansen = Kijunsen[1]
C1v = Tenkansen crosses under Kijunsen
DRAWARROWDOWN(barindex, high+atr) coloured(255, 0, 10)
DRAWTEXT(“TST-“, barindex, high+atr*3, SansSerif, Bold, 30) coloured(255, 0, 10)
This is a known problem? Do I need to change all my code that uses these functions?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for this code.
It seems that “crosses over” and “crosses under” functions have a bug when both variables are identical on previous period: crossing it’s not detected.
I’ve noticed this when testing Tenkan and Kijun crossing (“Tenkansen crosses over Kijunsen”): they can be identical for several periods.
When replaced by double comparison (“Tenkansen > Kijunsen and Tenkansen[1] <= Kijunsen[1]") everything works fine.
When using these functions with a constant ("Tenkansen crosses over 15"), everything works fine.
I will post the code that I've used to test it in the next post.
This is a known problem? Do I need to change all my code that uses these functions?
Thanks in advance.
// Check this error on Vallourec UT1h for candle 13/11/2017 09:00
Tenkansen = (highest[p1](high)+lowest[p1](low))/2
Kijunsen = (highest[p2](high)+lowest[p2](low))/2
//C1 = Tenkansen > Kijunsen and Tenkansen[1] <= Kijunsen[1]
C1 = Tenkansen crosses over Kijunsen
DRAWARROWUP(barindex, low-atr) coloured(0, 155, 10)
DRAWTEXT("TST+", barindex, low-atr*3, SansSerif, Bold, 30) coloured(0, 155, 10)
//C1v = Tenkansen = Kijunsen[1]
C1v = Tenkansen crosses under Kijunsen
DRAWARROWDOWN(barindex, high+atr) coloured(255, 0, 10)
DRAWTEXT(“TST-“, barindex, high+atr*3, SansSerif, Bold, 30) coloured(255, 0, 10)
I have corrected the code which was only returning “buy” condition:
Tenkansen = (highest[9]+lowest[9])/2
Kijunsen = (highest[26]+lowest[26])/2
SSpanA = (tenkansen[26]+kijunsen[26])/2
SSpanB = (highest[52](high[26])+lowest[52](low[26]))/2
Chikou = close[26]
C1 = close > SSpanA and close > SSpanB
C2 = Tenkansen crosses over Kijunsen
C3 = Tenkansen > SSpanA and Tenkansen > SSpanB
C4 = Kijunsen > SSpanA and Kijunsen > SSpanB
C5 = Chikou > SSpanA[26] and Chikou > SSpanB[26]
LongCondition = C1 and C2 and C3 and C4 and C5
C1v = close < SSpanA and close < SSpanB
C2v = Tenkansen crosses under Kijunsen
C3v = Tenkansen < SSpanA and Tenkansen < SSpanB
C4v = Kijunsen < SSpanA and Kijunsen < SSpanB
C5v = Chikou < SSpanA[26] and Chikou < SSpanB[26]
ShortCondition = C1v and C2v and C3v and C4v and C5v
If LongCondition then
Result = 1
If ShortCondition then
Result = -1
SCREENER[(LongCondition) Or (ShortCondition)] (Result as "Go")
Hello, thanks for this code.
I need to change the c5 and c5v conditions for this ones:
C5 (for long positions): the Chikou Span is above the price curve.
C5V (for short positions): the Chikou Span is below the price curve.
These two conditions add greater strength to buy/sell signals.
Thanks in advance.
Should C5 = Chikou > SSpanA[26] and Chikou > SSpanB[26] be C5 = Chikou > SSpanA and Chikou > SSpanB? Shouldn’t we check if Chikou is above the CURRENT cloud? Or am I missing something?
Chikou = close[26] it’s a mistake. Chikou Span is today’s closing moved back 26 periods. It is not the close of 26 periods ago.
Indeed, there is a mistake in that code. It is often the case when using Ichimoku and its translated lines backward or forward