Indicator “Candle & TMA8 open”

Indicator “Candle & TMA8 open”

Hi all,

Here is an indicator coded for one of the readers of my website.

We BUY if :

  • bullish candle (close > open)
  • close and open > triangular moving average 8, applied to open
  • lowest of the candle < TMA8 with at least 1 pip below the TMA8
  • size of the inferior shadow  > size of the body
  • size of the upper shadow <= 2 pips
  • no doji : size of the body >= 3 pips

Of course, we SELL for opposite conditions.

So here is the code :

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  1. bluetime6 • 08/30/2016 #

    Hello Doctrading.
    Can you ask you for something?
    Can you code a screener screen pop guns?
    And the screener change to use for a strategy with
    entry after long triggercandle + x-points,
    stop after x-percent of the trigger candle,
    takeprofit of x-percent (maybe with/like fibo-levels)
    kind regards?

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