John Ehlers Forward Reverse EMA

John Ehlers Forward Reverse EMA

Hello, I found a new indicator proposed by John Ehlers in the last episode of better system trader

103 – A brand new, more responsive indicator with John Ehlers

I converted the indicator from the Easy language code version.

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  1. Khaled • 09/18/2017 #

    @Francesco78 Thank you for sharing this code. Shouldn’t we define the EMA and its period first?

  2. Francesco78 • 09/18/2017 #

    HI Khaled, EMA is defined here
    EMA = AA*Close + CC*EMA[1]

    I am not very present on this forum anymore, pls follow me on linkedin thanks!

  3. Khaled • 09/18/2017 #

    Thanks, but if I may ask what’s EMA Period? The price which reverses the EMA[20] is not the same compared to the one which reverses the EMA[10]

  4. Francesco78 • 09/18/2017 #

    EMA is not a moving average, it is just the name we called the quantity defined above

  5. Khaled • 09/18/2017 #

    My bad. Thank you so much!

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