The Kairi relative Index is an old Japanese metric with unknown origins and waning popularity in the modern day due to more popular indicators such as Welles Wilder’s RSI. Traders since the late 1970s have grown accustomed to newer, more modern indicators.
Because Kairi has an unknown derivation and is used much less even in certain Japanese indicator loyalty zones of Russia and Asia, its continued use is curious. Add the fact that literally no early writings can be found regarding Kairi. The word itself translates to separate or dissociation.
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REM KAIRI RELATIVE INDEX //The Kairi Relative index is an old Japanese metric with unknown origins //is considered an oscillator as well as a leading indicator length =14 src =close kri = 100 * ((src - Average[length](src)) / Average[length](src)) return kri as "Kairi", 0 as "0" |
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