MACD Platinum

MACD Platinum

This version of the MACD named MACD Platinum is nothing but the MACD indicator calculated with ZeroLag moving averages. The indicator has been converted from an MT4 code, following a request on the ProBuilder forum. This indicator is a part of a manual trading strategy discussed here:

Because I used graphic instructions to materialize the signals on the MACD and to fill it with a color zone, I think that this code could be an inspiration for other indicators of the same type, do not hesitate to use it for the development of your own technical indicators .. and do not forget to share them also 🙂

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  1. Dymjohn • 09/29/2017 #

    I have a copy of this strategy in IG MT4 and for those who want an explanation the book which goes with the strategy is “High Probability Forex Trading Method” by Jim Brown and is relatively cheap.

    • guinsu2000 • 09/29/2017 #

      hello could you share your copy in a pdf or where you whant please ?

  2. Dymjohn • 09/29/2017 #

    I believe the QQE Adv needs adding with default settings of 1,8,3 to complete the strategy. This identifies crosses identified by “buy” or “sell” arrows on the chart.

  3. patrick3 • 09/29/2017 #

    Merci beaucoup Nicolas pour le temps que tu passes à aider les autres, qui comme moi sont nul en programmation.

  4. Frank Lemke • 09/29/2017 #

    hallo nicolas

    ich hoffe du kannst mir helfen ich möchte dein signale direkt im chart angzeigt bekommen mit pfeieln geht das?

    mfg frank

    • Nicolas • 09/29/2017 #

      Bitte öffnen Sie ein neues Thema im Forum, um Ihre Abfrage zu spezifizieren. Vielen Dank.

  5. mishaal • 09/29/2017 #

    how can I post this indicator its not work there is an error by programming

    • Nicolas • 09/29/2017 #

      Just download the itf file and import it into the platform, that’s a better way than copy paste the code.

  6. mahdi • 09/29/2017 #

    how can I import itf file into mt4? please help

    • Nicolas • 09/29/2017 #

      That code is not for MT4, we do not offer free assistance for this platform, but you can ask for private paid coding at

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