Market force & trend entries/exit

Market force & trend entries/exit

This indicator explains in a continuous way what is happening in the market if there is more demand than supply with which the price of the instrument has an upward trend if, on the contrary, there is more supply than demand, so the price then takes bearish trend or if on the contrary there is no interest in any sense with what the price remains in a lateral range
Summarizing marks the strength of the market and also on both ends both when there is no interest and when the market makes a maximum volume of recruitment marks quite clearly the areas of change of trend.

The different zones indicated by this Indicator are the following if, for example, the instrument has reached a high volume of contracting and can not continue with the current trend or impulse as the price changes direction will begin to appear in red or FF35, F30, F8, F6, F4, F2, Doubts, Extrem (Extremaucion) Death on the other hand when it is in any of these low areas and the price starts to pick up again force or impulse (in the previous direction or in the new one address) will begin to appear in blue the following messages Resurr (Resurrection), Blow (Blow of Life), Saluci (Leaving the ICU), Goodbye, Trade, F2, F4, F6, F8, F30, FF35, FF40, Danger, Danger, Boom, Megaboom, max.vol

It is very important to be aware of the areas F30, FF35, FF40, because they are usually the areas of change of direction of the price to make intermediate corrections if the impulse goes from these heights without losing strength and reaches Danger, or Danger in these areas that are sure to have a high volatility must be alert to any pattern or other signal because the change of direction should be imminent in the next 2 or 3 candles maximum to the appearance of the message and if it reaches Boom then the change should be righ now.
As in almost all oscillators indicators to greater temporality more accuracy of the price response with signals and in very small frametimes sometimes the answer is not so immediate just as a curiosity if someone installs it in their equipment to prove it open the graph from Diario del Dow to see well the whole sequence in the long trend that ended with the last historical maximum there is perfectly the functioning of the indicator.

As a final curiosity we have a couple of candles to delay the manual operation but two messages written in case we are clueless. Entry in green color and closing in red color, however, your information is supportive if you manually operate it is much more high the profitability of the trade I DO NOT BELIEVE IN AUTOMATED SYSTEMS My robots at least do not have Gray Matter On the other hand if we use them as signals if they give very high profitability
This Indicator is only meant to support the operations of our trades, knowing at all times what the direction of the trend is and when to leave. If someone tries to look for signals with the messages E (green) and R (Red), be aware that before you should have done an extensive study with different graphics and different temporalities is not intended to operate using these signals are only intended to be helpful

To understand the meaning of this indicator, which is exactly what it shows and why I recommend watching video and if we join this indicator with the indicator of the colored candles that are in this same library uploaded by me then if we have a very powerful system and when it is known very safe to operate any instrument the sum of both indicators can see it in the video

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  1. pableitor • 06/14/2018 #

    Hola Domenec, un indicador muy original y util que ciertamente añade mucha informacion a la evolución de las cotizaciones. Pero tengo una duda: Cual es el motivo de calcular el ADX paso a paso (valor miadx en lineas 161 hasta 186 ) cuando lo puedes hacer en un solo paso sencillo con miadx = ADX[14] ?

  2. Domenec • 06/14/2018 #

    Hola Pableitor porque aqui lo que pretendo es programar un nuevo codigao mas ajustado para que de señales de entrada cierre para ayudar a comprender mejor el funcionamiento del mercado si lo pruebas veras que es muy logico que en f30 ff35 ff40 haga los movimientos correctivos intermedios y posteriormente siga el impulso sobre todo en los movimientos importantes entonces la idea es que la señal de entrada y cierre que con el adx normal lleva un par de velas de retraso al estar el codigo abierto del adz se puedan cambiar con alguan constante o cambiando las medias para conseguir una señal mas precisa pero esto lleva su tiempo pero esta es la idea por lo que incluye la programacion del adx en codigo abierto en estas lineas que me comentas

  3. Juanjo • 06/14/2018 #

    Hola Domenec.
    He visto en los videos que hablas continuamente de mercado de futuros con gráficos de minutos. ¿podria aplicar tu indicador a acciones en temporalidad diaria y 4 horas?
    Gracias por tus aportes

  4. Domenec • 06/14/2018 #

    Claro Juanjo de todas maneras en tienes estsos osciladores evolucionados y si son para cualquier tempo suerte

  5. Dron • 06/14/2018 #

    Hola Domenec, en la descripción hablas del indicador velas de colores, no lo encuentro en la biblioteca, donde lo podría descargar? Gracias

  6. Domenec • 06/14/2018 #

    Hola Dron mira en el blog en formacion indicadores ahi hay varios gratuitos y la explicacion detallada de como van

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