Momentum Pinball

Momentum Pinball

Based on a classical RSI formula, this indicator use the intraday price changed difference from the previous day, instead of the close.

It results a fast and accurate view of price acceleration (great momentum) of the current daily candlestick compared to analysed periods (14 periods in the code example).

I marked examples of how to interpret the indicator on the above screenshot. When the oscillator value exceed the 60 level area, it should warn you of a large bullish pressure, and a bearish one when its below the 40 level.



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  1. Bon Zo • 09/02/2016 #

    Your trading indicators are awesomes.

    • Nicolas • 09/02/2016 #

      Thanks a lot Bon Zo. Spread the news everywhere you go 🙂

  2. Bon Zo • 09/02/2016 #

    i don’t really want to tell others my secret but maybe i could share this page on my facebook account. 

  3. Renato Di Lorenzo • 09/02/2016 #

    Hi Nicolas; what is Dclose?

    • Nicolas • 09/02/2016 #

      It’s the Daily close. Dclose

    • Renato Di Lorenzo • 09/02/2016 #

      ok, clear; I understand that Dclose(0) is not constant during the current day and is equal to the close of the last intraday bar, while Dclose(1) is obviously constant during the current day. Correct.
      Is there some reason for this choice instead of using a more “normal” sliding close? I think there is.

  4. Nicolas • 09/02/2016 #

    I have this code in my indicators list since a while and honestly I don’t remember from what I converted it from .. Daily OHLC used in intraday charts also make sense, even if this one is I think much clearer on a Daily one.

  5. Renato Di Lorenzo • 09/02/2016 #

    Agree; thanks.

  6. rpreviteri • 09/02/2016 #

    Hi Nicolas, thanks a  loto for sharing your knowliedge, Wasn’t the original momentum pinball  with ROC  rather than exponential average? Best regards 

  7. air • 09/02/2016 #

    Thank you!

  8. elanoa • 09/02/2016 #

    Buonasera sig. Nicolas……sarebbe possibile far in modo che quando l’indicatore raggiunga livelli si 40 oppure di 60 vengano indicati mediante simboli ( o frecce) direttamente sul grafico dei prezzi? Grazie.

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