Most Active Hours and Months

Most Active Hours and Months

I have updated and I hope improved the indicator originally created by throwaway200 that can be found here:

I have improved the graphical output so as to make it easier to see which hours are the most active on any market. I have also converted the same code into a separate indicator to analyse which are the most active months.

The bar chart under each hour/month shows the all time average for that particular hour or month. There is also an all time all hours/ all months average line. Any hour/month whose average is above the all time average is highlighted by a darker bar so that it can be easily seen which are the most active hours/months to trade. The start of a new day/ new year is highlighted by a vertical line through the first hour of the day or through January.

There are two separate indicators to upload or copy. One for hourly analysis and one for monthly analysis. Apply the hourly one only to the hourly chart and the monthly one only to the monthly chart.

Thanks to throwaway200 for the original idea.

Here is the Most Active Hours code:

Here is the Most Active Months code:

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  1. ALE • 12/11/2018 #

    Very Very Nice

  2. manel • 12/11/2018 #

    Hi – Many thanks for this and your other analytical codes, stellar work – very useful ! With regards to the monthly one especially would it be better to show the range as a % (say,of the opening index value) rather than absolute points ? This is because with high value indices the trend is going to be rising naturally over 10-20yrs so it masks how todays range is compared to historics.

  3. Vonasi • 12/11/2018 #

    Good idea Manel. I have posted a new version here that shows results as a percentage:

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