Multiple ATR bands

Multiple ATR bands

Another attempt to centering the price and measuring its derivative value, this time within its ATR with 3 different multipliers. You can play with this multipliers to change the way you can take signals on contrarian trades.



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  1. Lionel Delamour • 10/11/2015 #

    Hello , when I put the indicator on PRT , it does not turn with the chart but below in a separate window … I do not know why? An idea to help me ? Thank you 🙁

    • Nicolas • 10/11/2015 #

      It’s because you have to put the indicator on price, instead of put it in chart with the indicators button. Someone already asked this type of question on forum :

  2. Lionel Delamour • 10/11/2015 #

     ohhhh yes … thanks a lot mister !  :p

  3. diegofe_2000 • 10/11/2015 #


  4. albertocampagna • 10/11/2015 #

    Ciao Nicolas, inserisco l’indicatore sul prezzo ma purtroppo non succede nulla. Ho provato a pulire il grafico da tutti gli indicatori e a inserire solo questo, ma non funziona, non succede nulla. Cosa può essere secondo te?

    • Nicolas • 10/11/2015 #

      Poiché è necessario caricare abbastanza barre per il calcolo per procedere correttamente. Estendi i tuoi periodi di ricerca del grafico.

    • albertocampagna • 10/11/2015 #

      Fatto, anche con giorni e settimane, ma non succede nulla lo stesso. 

  5. Nicolas • 10/11/2015 #

    Ok, prova questo codice invece:
    if barindex>length then
    ma = exponentialaverage[length](close)
    myrange = range[length]
    rangema = exponentialaverage[atrlen](myrange)

    up1 = ma + rangema * mult1
    up2 = ma + rangema * mult2
    up3 = ma + rangema * mult3

    dn1 = ma - rangema * mult1
    dn2 = ma - rangema * mult2
    dn3 = ma - rangema * mult3

    RETURN ma, up1 COLOURED(202,255,112),up2 COLOURED(202,255,112),up3 COLOURED(202,255,112),dn1 COLOURED(255,127,80),dn2 COLOURED(255,127,80),dn3 COLOURED(255,127,80)

    • albertocampagna • 10/11/2015 #

      Niente da fare, mi dice:
      “Errore di sintassi:
      Definisci la variabile: lenght
      Definisci la variabile: atrien
      Definisci la variabile: mult1
      Definisci la variabile: mult2
      Definisci la variabile: mult3″

  6. Maisam Zaidi • 10/11/2015 #


    Thank you for such an amazing work. However, I’m having some difficulty applying this indicator. It gives me following error (Image link). Can someone please explain what is wrong?
    I have added the length and atrlenght but do not understand the mult1, 2 and 3. Can someone please explain what to do.

    Image link:

    Thank you.


  7. petmut • 10/11/2015 #

    Hello all,
    When I import the code here above “multiple ATR bands” and apply it on the PRT Force Index indicator chart (not on the PRICE chart) it produces a horizontal “0” line, but nothing else appears.
    What should be changed in the here above code to have it be applicable to the Force index indicator chart?
    Thx in advance

    • Nicolas • 10/11/2015 #

      That should need some custom coding, if you want to make it done, please open a new topic in the ProBuilder forum.

  8. Patopercho • 10/11/2015 #

    thanks for the indicator, i would like to change the color, is it possible, thanks

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