MyThermometer as optical signal transmitter

MyThermometer as optical signal transmitter

You can choose one to five indicators for analysis. In your PRT, you only have to add color zones to get the display shown. You can also remove all lines in the code (at Return) if you prefer to work with a sine curve.
It helps me to stick to my rules. I hope it helps you too and brings money 😉
The revised indicators “myCandle …” and “Opening Range …” and “OutsidebarColorSolo” are coming soon (click on my profile and follow me to stay updated).


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  1. ludo7769 • 05/12/2020 #

    malheureusement ne fonctionne pas sur V11

    • Thomas • 05/12/2020 #

      Désolé, je n’ai pas encore de version 11.
      EDIT: Works with V11,!AlLFPjbX_wf1oKEzLbHvxEwIN60BUw?e=6AIYhf

  2. Thomas • 05/12/2020 #

    Wenn sich Bull- und Beartrend zwischen 2 und -2 bewegt, deutet dies meist auf eine Konsolidierung / Seitwärtsphase hin. Wer mag kann sich diesen Bereich zusätzlich einfärben, wie in diesem Beispiel.
    If the bull and bear trend is between 2 and -2, this usually indicates a consolidation / sideways phase. If you like, you can also color this area, as in this example.!AlLFPjbX_wf1oKEviciNHbCR2uxxoQ?e=xLQzy4!AlLFPjbX_wf1oKEw-1NoUXOvaelCzw?e=3715ph

    • BullBear • 05/12/2020 #

      Insgesamt sehr interessant. Vielen Dank für die weitergehenden Erläuterungen.

  3. Thomas • 05/12/2020 #

    Ich habe den Bereich “Bull-/BearTrend” verändert. So liefert er sauberere und stabilere Signale. Hier der Code:
    I have changed the “Bull / Bear Trend” area. So it delivers cleaner and more stable signals. Here is the code:

    if BullBear = 0 then
    C = 0
    elsif BullTrend > 1 and BearTrend >= -2then
    C = 1
    elsif BearTrend < -1 and BullTrend <= 2 then
    C = -1

  4. ESCapedTestSubject • 05/12/2020 #

    Interesting. Many thanks.
    What is the market open indicator that you use? Could you share that one please?

  5. Lean • 05/12/2020 #

    Hi! I love your indicator, but from some days ago it doesn’t work in pro real time, do you know what could have happened? Thank you!

  6. oliverkeim • 05/12/2020 #

    Hi, also here not working. Only white lines.

  7. killerplatuze • 05/12/2020 #

    Dont work anymore with the current version?

  8. KryptoKat • 05/12/2020 #

    tolle Arbeit, professionell

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