Noise Bands

Noise Bands

This indicator is particularly valuable for quickly assessing whether the market is bullish (above noise), bearish (below noise) or in a range phase (when prices oscillate without a clear direction).

At a glance, it enables you to adapt your strategy: a trending market will encourage you to favour entries in the direction of the movement, while a range market is more likely to encourage you to exploit turning points. The enormous advantage of this indicator also lies in its versatility, as combining it with several time units enriches the analysis. By observing signals over different timeframes, we can better anticipate future movements and confirm the breaking of important levels (thanks to Prunus Dulcis).


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  1. jacquesgermain • 85 days ago #

    à utiliser en unité de temps jour

  2. patapouf • 82 days ago #

    Pourrait-on créer un screener sur la base de cet indicateur, dont l’idée semble très pertinente ?

    • jacquesgermain • 81 days ago #

      le voici (détecte le croisement bande haute ou bande basse) :
      if (high[1]-c1[1] )=(c1[1] – low[1]) then
      c21=c1[1] -low[1]
      if (high[2]-c1[2] )=(c1[2] – low[2]) then
      c22=c1[2] -low[2]
      if (high[3]-c1[3] )=(c1[3] – low[3]) then
      c23=high[3] -low[3]
      if (high[4]-c1[4] )=(c1[4] – low[4]) then
      c24=high[4] -low[4]
      if (high[5]-c1[5] )=(c1[5] – low[5]) then
      c25=c1[5] -low[5]
      if (high[6]-c1[6] )=(c1[6] – low[6]) then
      c26=high[6] -low[6]
      if (high[7]-c1[7] )=(c1[7] – low[7]) then
      c27=high[7] -low[7]
      if (high[8]-c1[8] )=(c1[8] – low[8]) then
      c28=c1[8] -low[8]
      if (high[9]-c1[9] )=(c1[9] – low[9]) then
      c29=c1[9] -low[9]
      if (high[10]-c1[10] )=(c1[10] – low[10]) then
      c30=c1[10] -low[10]
      F=close>canalhaut and close[1]<=canalhaut
      if F then
      if G then
      screener[F or G](bandehaute as “croise bande haute”,bandebasse as “croise bande basse”)

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