The PSO is a rewired version of a short-period stochastic. Unlike a standard stochastic oscillator, this indicator is normalized to register neutral values at zero while providing greater sensitivity to short-term price moves. This indicator uses a central zero line as a reference point and will oscillate above and below this point as price fluctuates. In addition, the PSO is smoothed by using a double exponential moving average to provide a more even response to turns in the market.
(from TASC magazine, August 2008 issue).
The Premium Stochastic Oscillator was introduced by technical analyst Lee Leibfarth.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 |
//PRC_Premium Stochastic | indicator //02.10.2018 //Nicolas @ //Sharing ProRealTime knowledge //converted from MT5 version // --- settings inpPeriod = 32 // Stochastic period inpSmoothPeriod = 5 // Smoothing period inpLevel1 = 0.9 // Level 1 inpLevel2 = 0.2 // Level 2 // --- end of settings if barindex>inpPeriod then alpha = 2.0/(1.0+inpSmoothPeriod) minLevel = Min(inpLevel1,inpLevel2) maxLevel = Max(inpLevel1,inpLevel2) mini = Lowest[inpPeriod](low)//low [ArrayMinimum(low ,_start,inpPeriod)]; maxi = Highest[inpPeriod](high)//high[ArrayMaximum(high,_start,inpPeriod)] sto = 10.0*((close-mini)/(maxi-mini)-0.5) ema0 = ema0[1]+alpha*(sto-ema0[1]) ema1 = ema1[1]+alpha*(ema0-ema1[1]) iexp = Exp(ema1) val = (iexp-1.0)/(iexp+1.0) //final cut r=169 g=169 b=169 if val>-maxlevel and val<-minlevel then r=244 g=164 b=96 endif if val<-maxlevel then r=255 g=0 b=0 endif if val>minlevel then r=50 g=205 b=50 endif if val>maxlevel then r=0 g=100 b=0 endif endif return val coloured(r,g,b) style(line,3), 0 coloured(168,168,168) style(dottedline,1),inpLevel1 coloured(168,168,168) style(dottedline,1),-inpLevel1 coloured(168,168,168) style(dottedline,1),inpLevel2 coloured(168,168,168) style(dottedline,1),-inpLevel2 coloured(168,168,168) style(dottedline,1) |
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hi Nicolas , i would like to know if its will be possible to help me to improve my indicator …
Sure, please use the appropriate forums to add a new topic. This is not the place here…
A priori cela ne fonctionne pas ! Dommage
C’est-à-dire ? Quel est le problème ?
Bonjour Nicolas, savez-vous s’il existe un indicateur pour Prorealtime similaire au ST-TL figurant dans Visualchart?
Pour les demandes de conversion de code, et si vous possédez le code source de l’indicateur en question, vous pouvez utiliser ce formulaire :
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Sinon vous pouvez ouvrir un nouveau sujet dans le forum ProBuilder pour expliquer ce à quoi ressemble cet indicateur et en y ajoutant des copies d’écrans si possible, merci.
Merci beaucoup Nicolas, j’ai utilisé le formulaire avec les informations que j’ai sur cet indicateur.