This post is about a trading system that combine 2 indicators, the configuration of the indicators are explained below (to be like the screenshot). I also add a PDF that explain how to get the same look and feel than me, for every line and for color zones too.
Hide maximum, minimum, maximum1, minimum1
Trader: Green Bullish, Red Bear
BBsignal: Green Bullish, Red Bass Player
Add 3 color zones are added:
- maximum1 <> maximum
- Minimum1 <> Minimum
- Trader <> BBsignal
Indicator based on supports and resistances that is combined with “Volume” waves osc:
- Green Zone Indicates overselling area.
- Red Zone Indicates overbought area.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |
//Definimos trader p= Average[8] maximo=highest[150](p) minimo=lowest[150](p) maximo1=highest[50](p) minimo1=lowest[50](p) BB = ExponentialAverage[12]((close)) BBsignal = ExponentialAverage[12](BB) Trader = bb + 1*STD[8](BBsignal) return trader as "trader",BBsignal as "BBsignal", maximo as "maximo",minimo as "minimo",maximo1 as "maximo1",minimo1 as "minimo1" |
“Volume” waves oscillator. Synchronize the entry with the price change in the supports giving the entry:
- Buy signal: BBtrader over BBSignal
- Sellshort signal: BBSignal over BBtrader
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
//RB@72 @ //Oscilador de Volumen "Volume" waves oscillator cero=0 Onda = Weightedaverage [150] (close) Wave= ((close/Onda)-1)*100 return Wave*10 as "Vol-Ex",cero coloured (0, 0, 0) as "cero" |
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Hallo RB, sehr guter Indikator, leider bekomme ich nicht die aktuellen Versionen sondern nur rb-bbtrader-2.itf und rb-volumne-v1-2.itf zugestellt.
Gruß hartgeld
Das sind gute Dateien, keine Sorge.
das glaube ich schon, jedoch stimmen die Dateinamen nicht überein und bei mir fehlen die Pfeile für dir Trendwechsel….
Thanks Nicolas
Strategy for scalping 1 Minute, 5 Minutes.
don t speak a word of german but danke looks cool
Thanks! Nice one 🙂
Hey, please! I need help on which platform should we use this files? Can’t they work on mt4/mt5 trading platforms?
Thanks in advance
RB-BBTrader is only available for Prorealtine
Hi rb-72, does it work for Forex or Indexes?
Yes, it works in Forex, indexes 1 and 5 minutes
Thanks! I’ll try it!
The image in Proreatine is EUR / USD 1 Minute
It’s a very powerful tool. Thanks for sharing! The Signal crosses the Trader a few times but the trade is triggered only on the very max or min on your charts. How do you define those points? Thanks
Thank you, area of twist by dilatacion of the price, missing part of the code that is not public, if you go through my blog you can get more information of the indicator and soon we will publish more code.
after reading your blog now I understand why there is only a part of your code here. I’m trying to work it out myself from your screenshorts 🙂 great work!
la estrategia se podria aplicar sobre acciones con marco temporal diario??