RB-SR Dynamic supports resistances

RB-SR Dynamic supports resistances

Oscillator based on two moving averages: The first is a weighted moving average and the second one a simple average that detect the sensitivity of the movement of the price.

The indicator marks “dynamic supports” when MA crossing, making a channel in the price.

BUY conditions:

  • When the SR (green) line is crossed up with the SR-Signal line (red line) it is called a continuation signal, a BUY signal is given.
  • When the SR line (green) is outside the channel and crosses upwards with the Lower Limit (blue line) and this line with the SR-Signal line, a strong buy signal is given.

SELL conditions:

  • When the SR (green) line crosses down with the SR-Signal line (red line) it is called a bearish cross, a sell signal is given.
  • When the SR (green) line is outside the channel and crosses down with the Upper Limit (blue line) and this line with the SR-Signal line, a strong sell signal is given.

This indicator is accurate in 1 hour timeframe or higher timeframes and is adaptable as a separate indicator or next to the price.

Attached channel configuration add a color zone and select Upper channel and Lower channel as shown in the picture.



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  1. supertiti • 12/22/2017 #

    Podemos añadir este codigo para tener las flechas :

    If SRL crosses over SRR then
    DRAWARROWUP ( barindex , low[1] )coloured (21,235,19,200)
    If SRL crosses under SRR then
    DRAWARROWDOWN ( barindex , high[1] )coloured (234,20,170,200)

  2. DaxRider • 12/22/2017 #

    Thank you Supertiti for your contribution
    best wishes

  3. cervantes2 • 12/22/2017 #

    Buenas tardes y gracias por este magnifico indicador. Queria saber si tienes un proscreener de este indicador .

  4. cervantes2 • 12/22/2017 #

    Que busque los valores que la linea verde acaba de cruzar al alza o a la baja

  5. AngelPujalt • 12/22/2017 #

    Tenéis algún screener de este indicador?

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