Reflex and Trendflex indicators – John F. Ehlers

Reflex and Trendflex indicators – John F. Ehlers

John Ehlers introduces a new averaging indicator in his new article “Reflex: A New Zero-Lag Indicator” in the February 2020 issue of TASC magazine. J.Ehlers has designed it with reducing lag in mind.

According to the author, this new indicator can be used to generate signals in a more timely manner than other lagging calculations. In this new article John Ehlers propose 2 new zerolag indicators: The Reflex indicator which synchronizes with the cycle component in the price data. The second, its “companion”, the Trendflex oscillator retains the trend component.

Using both of them in the same window, like I did in the attached picture, give a perfect picture of what Ehlers have in mind to mark the trend (Trendflex oscillator) and its market cycles (Reflex oscillator).


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  1. juanj • 01/14/2020 #

    I have just the place for this.. love John Ehlers’s work. Thanks Nicolas!

  2. Morrissey38 • 01/14/2020 #

    Buenas tardes Nicolás . Como podría introducir una línea cero a este indicador? . Muchas gracias de antemano .

    • Nicolas • 01/14/2020 #

      Change the last line with :
      RETURN Reflex, 0

  3. Morrissey38 • 01/14/2020 #

    Muchísimas gracias Nicolás , muy amable.

  4. Bruno Carnazzi • 01/14/2020 #

    extrèmement pertinent

  5. Bruno Carnazzi • 01/14/2020 #

    Is that beatable ?

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