The Regularized Momentum indicator is a classic momentum calculation made with a Regularized Exponential Moving Average (or Regularized EMA) of Heikin Ashi median price (Heikin Ashi High + Heikin Ashi Low) / 2.
It returns a smoothed momentum, and instead of using the 0 line to trigger trend reversals, the indicator has ‘floating levels’ made with recent highest highs and lowest lows of the main oscillator.
The ‘Length’ and ‘Lambda’ settings are adjustable, these parameters smooth more or less the curve.
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//PRC_Regularized Momentum | indicator //18.12.2017 //Nicolas @ //Sharing ProRealTime knowledge //Converted from MT4 indicator (mladen) // --- settings //Length6=14 //Lambda=7 //MinMaxPeriod=15 //LevelUp=90 //LevelDown=10 // --- end of settings IF BarIndex=0 THEN xClose = (open+high+low+close)/4 xOpen = open xHigh = high xLow = low ELSE xClose = (open+high+low+close)/4 xOpen = (xOpen[1]+xClose[1])/2 xHigh = Max(max(high, xOpen), xClose) xLow = Min(min(Low, xOpen), xClose) endif data = (xHigh+xLow)/2 once fctrema6=data alpha6 = 2.0/(1.0+Length6) regf1 = (1.0+Lambda*2.0) regf2 = (1.0+Lambda) if barindex>length6 then fctrema6 = (regf1*fctrema6[1]+alpha6*(data-fctrema6[1])-Lambda*fctrema6[2])/regf2 mom6 = (fctrema6-fctrema6[1])/fctrema6 endif r=50 g=205 b=50 if mom6<mom6[1] then r=255 g=0 b=0 endif //floating levels flLookBack = MinMaxPeriod // Floating levels lookback period flLevelUp = LevelUp // Floating levels up level % flLevelDown = LevelDown // Floating levels down level % mini = lowest[flLookBack](mom6) maxi = highest[flLookBack](mom6) rrange = maxi-mini flu = mini+flLevelUp*rrange/100.0 fld = mini+flLevelDown*rrange/100.0 flm = mini+0.5*rrange return mom6 coloured(r,g,b) style(line,3), flu coloured(100,100,100) STYLE(line,1) as "upper level", fld coloured(100,100,100) STYLE(line,1) as "lower level", flm coloured(100,100,100) STYLE(dottedline,1) as "median level" |
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Thank You Nicolas, the content of this site is literally the one thing keeping me to hold onto PRT. I’m still on vacation until Jan, but looking forward to again make some contributions once back in full swing.
Thank you juanj, I’m looking forward for your next valuable contribution 🙂 Have a nice rest and happy new year.
Bonjour, tout nouveau sur le forum, j’essai de comprend un minimum la programmation et j’ai voulu essayer votre indicateur qui à l’air très bien, seulement quand je veux le valider la fenêtre erreur de syntaxe ouvre et me demande de définir la variable suivante : length6 / lambda / minmaxperiod / levelup / leveldown.
Je me pense que je dois renseigner quelque chose, mais cela m’étonne. pouvez vous m’éclairer. Merci.
Bonjour, Warath, je ne sais pas si tu as eu ta réponse ? Je débute aussi mais je pense pouvoir répondre à ta question.
Quand tu crées un indicateur, tu fais un copier/coller de l’indicateur, parfois tu as besoin d’entrer des variables en plus, ce qui est le cas ici. Tu vas sur la clef à mollette en haut à gauche, tu cliques dessus et tu renseignes Nom dans le programme, ici : length6, tu ajoutes et tu rentres le settings renseigné par Nicolas dans le code : entier : 14. Tu fais çà pour tous et çà marche, normalement ?!?
Merci Sonia 🙂
I’m trying to apply the regularization calculation method to another value, which I’ve found to work great when applied to a chart. However, when I try to apply the indicator to a screener, I receive no results back. Is there anything in the above code that would prevent it from working in a screener or something else that would need to be done to get it to work. Very much appreciated!!!
Please open a specific topic in our ProScreenr forum for that query. Please add all specifications on how the screener should work according to this indicator. Thank you.
peut il être utiliser pour savoir la fin de tendance, ou plutôt en complément de “market mode” pour détecter la fin de la tendance si le momentum se retourne ? même si je doigt avouer ne pas trop comprendre le “momentum”
Formule de l’indicateur Momentum:
Le Momentum se calcule avec une simple soustraction pour chaque séance.
Momentum = Clôture du cours du jour – Clôture de la période n choisie
Hi, can this code be converted for the Nanotrader Platform or for the MT4 Platform?
This website is dedicated for PRT programming, but you can still ask for private coding with our programming services: