RSI Self-Adjusting Bands

RSI Self-Adjusting Bands
RSI modified so that the bands are adjustable to volatility, is similar to Blai5 indicator (Advanced RSI with BV).

RSI modificado para que las bandas sean ajustables a la volatilidad, es parecido al indicador de Blai5 (RSI Avanzado con BV).

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  1. Nicolas • 05/01/2016 #

    Very nice and contribution much appreciated. Thank you! 🙂

  2. supertiti • 05/01/2016 #

    Se puede anadir tambien las bandas 30 y 70 como supravendido / supracomprado//Rsi con bandas Autoajustables por volatilidad modificada por Josep Bosch

    rsiplus = RSI[P](close)

    bsup = 50+ (1.8*STD(rsiplus))

    binf = 50 - (1.8*STD(rsiplus))

    bmedia = 50

    RETURN rsiplus COLOURED(255,0,0) AS\"RSI\", bsup AS\"High Band\", binf AS\"Low Band\", bmedia AS \"Center Band\" ,30 as \" 30 \" , 70 as \" 70 \"


  3. supertiti • 05/01/2016 #

    Pour Nicolas
    Ne peux t’on pas ajouter un bouton  pour illustrer une suggestion par un graphe de l’indicateur ?
    bonne journée

  4. Lyny • 05/01/2016 #

    @supertiti, can you translate your code into English version PRT ? I copy and paste your code into new indicator, error the first line.

  5. zen83 • 05/01/2016 #

    The bands 30 and 70 can also be added as supra-sold / super-purchased // RSI with volatile self-adjusting bands modified by Josep Bosch
    rsiplus = RSI[P](close)

    bsup = 50+ (1.8*STD(rsiplus))

    binf = 50 – (1.8*STD(rsiplus))

    bmedia = 50

    RETURN rsiplus COLOURED(255,0,0) AS”RSI”, bsup AS”High Band”, binf AS”Low Band”, bmedia AS ”Center Band” ,30 as ” 30 ” , 70 as ” 70 ”

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