I have been fooling around with some copy pasting code. Some of the rahul mohindar oscillator combined with a customized STORSI.
Helps me find some triggers and also determine if this is a bull or bear market.
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//--STORSI + RMO --// // ------- settings // p = bars STORSI (try and error, but 21 works good) // a = bars MA (try and error, but 21 works good) // c = 30 // f = 70 // g = 24 UP = MAX(0, close - close[1]) DOWN = MAX(0, close[1] - close) upMA = wilderAverage[p](UP) downMA = wilderAverage[p](DOWN) RS = upMA / downMA REM Computes the highest and lowest prices on p bars hi = highest[p](high) lo = lowest[p](low) Epicline = ((100 - 100 / (1 + RS))+((close - lo) / (hi - lo) * 100)) /2 EpicMA = Average[a](Epicline) Combo=(EpicMA+Epicline)/2 ComboMA=Average[c](Combo) top=f bot=g myH = 0 MAI1 = Average[2](close) MAI2 = Average[2](MAI1) MAI3 = Average[2](MAI2) MAI4 = Average[2](MAI3) MAI5 = Average[2](MAI4) MAI6 = Average[2](MAI5) MAI7 = Average[2](MAI6) MAI8 = Average[2](MAI7) MAI9 = Average[2](MAI8) MAI10 = Average[2](MAI9) mai = (mai1 + mai2 + mai3 + mai4 + mai5 + mai6 + mai7 + mai8 + mai9 + mai10) / 10 top2 = highest[10](high) bot2 = lowest[10](low) ST1 = 100*(close - mai) / (top2 - bot2) RMO = (ExponentialAverage[81](ST1)) RETURN Epicline COLOURED(0,230,0) AS "Epic STORSI", EpicMA AS "EpicMA", ComboMA COLOURED(255,0,50) as "Trigger", top as "Top Line", bot as "Bottom Line", myH COLOURED(204,204,204) AS "BullBearLine" , RMO AS "BullBear" |
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Im looking for a entry when EpicMA crosses over/under trigger. Then look for exits when EpicSTORSI touched top/bottom or crosses over trigger. I keep an eye on the RMO to see if there is a bull or bear trend.