

This indicator is the ProBuilder version of the SuperTrend Indicator. SuperTrend is available by default in the ProRealTime workstation but this ProBuilder version can be useful to create custom versions of the indicator.

If you want to use the standard SuperTrend indicator in Market Scan (ProScreener) or a Trading system, it’s easier to just use the ProBuilder function.

You can download the code directly at the bottom of the page.

If you prefer to add it manually to your workstation, here is the code.

For v10.3 and above:

For v10.2 and below:

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  1. verdi55 • 05/13/2016 #

    This indicator is exteremly slow. In a full DAX 1 min chart (~ 8 months), calculation takes more than 10 minutes, whereas the normal built-in supertrend is immediately there. What is the reason ? Too many if-then-else loops ? In a trading strategy, it would be almost impossible to use. 

    • Nicolas • 05/13/2016 #

      Exit and relaunch PRT should fix this behavior.

  2. verdi55 • 05/13/2016 #

    Thank you. After a restart, it is somewhat faster; however, it still takes about 3 minutes to load for the full DAX 1 min chart. Here is my own version of the supertrend that loads about 6-7 faster. Still, in a backtest, using this manual code for supertrend instead of the built-in version increases calculation time of the backtest by a factor of 20. So, this is not very advisable and suitable only for testing custom supertrends, not so much for parameter optimization. 
    ONCE Richtung = 1
    ONCE STlongalt = 0
    ONCE STshortalt = 1000000000000

    per = 10
    Faktor = 3

    indicator1 = medianprice

    indicator2 = averagetruerange[per] * Faktor

    STlong = indicator1 - indicator2

    STshort = indicator1 + indicator2

    If Richtung = 1 and STlong < STlongalt then
    STlong = STlongalt

    If Richtung = -1 and STshort > STshortalt then
    STshort = STshortalt

    If barindex > 2 and Richtung = 1 and close crosses under STlong then
    Richtung = -1

    If barindex > 2 and Richtung = -1 and close crosses over STshort then
    Richtung = 1

    STlongalt = STlong

    STshortalt = STshort

    If Richtung = 1 then
    ST = STlong

    If Richtung = -1 then
    ST = STshort

    Return ST coloured by (Richtung) as \"Supertrend\"

    • Nicolas • 05/13/2016 #

      Good! thanks for sharing your own code! Please do so with other ones if you think you can improve them 😉

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