Tested Levels Indicator

Tested Levels Indicator

This indicator checks back over the last ‘p’ bars to see if the mid point of the current bars shadows have been tested by price and failed to breakout before.

Set ‘tests’ to the quantity of level tests you want to check for.

The indicator will draw a line from the first price test bar until a new set of price tests are detected. It draws green lines for upper shadow tests and red lines for lower shadow tests.

It can be slow to draw so I recommend setting the CALCULATEONLASTBARS to a sensible level.

I advise downloading and importing the ITF file to get full functionality.

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ProRealTime ITF files and other attachments : How to import ITF files into ProRealTime platform?

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  1. Canis Majoris • 02/21/2020 #

    Hi ,

    Helpful indicator …

  2. Maxime Csls • 02/21/2020 #

    Bonjour Vonasi, Bravo pour ton travail ! Est-il possible de créer un screener quand le prix repasse à la hausser la ligne de Support rouge ?

  3. amitoverseas40 • 02/21/2020 #

    Hi Vonasi, I find this indicator very useful. May I request , if you can, to please modify and show close below the defined levels as a DOWN arrow and close above as an UP arrow , generate alert, and make this a screener as well? Regards!

    • Nicolas • 02/21/2020 #

      Please open a new topic in the ProScreener section, someone will code this request quickly.

  4. carpentier Joffrey • 02/21/2020 #

    Bonjour à tous,
    Avant tout merci pour ce travail, cependant je suis bloqué quand je l’installe sur prt.
    On me demande de régler le p et le test mais je n’arrive pas à trouver à quel endroit, je dois inscrire ces variables.
    Dans l’attente de vous lire,

    Merci à tous

  5. carpentier Joffrey • 02/21/2020 #

    C’est ok, j’ai trouvé mon erreur…
    Cependant sur quel base peut on calculer son CALCULATEONLASTBARS à un niveau raisonnable ?
    Merci à vous,

  6. Aragorna • 02/21/2020 #

    Hi Nicolas, How is it possible to use it in a higher timeframe plotted on a lower timeframe? when I do this, lines are plotted completely offset on the left to the candles.

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