

The13thWarrior helps to get the scalp. But not only for scalper 😉 Some more information with the Info bubble (Indicator settings) Freely configurable.

It uses Heikin Ashi type candlestick but with conditions based on OBV and its average.

The background color is based on trend of the DMI indicator (green above 0 and red below 0).

Make money and enjoy.

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  1. IV Mcm • 09/07/2020 #

    Interesting, thank you

  2. bertrandpinoy • 09/07/2020 #

    hi Thomas and thank you. can you convert this indicator into an automaic strategy?

    • Thomas • 09/07/2020 #

      @bertrandpinoy No, sorry. I not working with automatic strategys.

  3. MAKSIDE • 09/07/2020 #

    @bertrandpinoy, it’s easy to convert it…

  4. IV Mcm • 09/07/2020 #

    It all depends on the strategy used with this indicator.

    However, I have the impression that a simple algorithm is not simply cost-effective, so indeed it can be complex.

    You can also open a new discussion about this for this indicator.

  5. Axel98 • 09/07/2020 #

    Hi Thomas, thank you for sharing… Can you briefly explain how it works or how to use it ?

    • Thomas • 09/07/2020 #

      There are multiple possibilities. My two favorites are countertrend trading and trend trading.

      Counter trend on 1min or 10sec time unit. After a strong move I wait for a correction, I trade this with a tight stop and quickly follow it. Get out immediately if you change Heikin-Ashi or change DI.

      Trend trading according to the Dow theory. 1-2-3. In a trend I wait for a correction (2-3) and try to reach point 3 optimally. At the next point 2 partial sale (stop at debut) and increase at the next point 3. All time units intraday.

      The settings of “The13thWarrior” vary depending on the market / time unit and volatility. I use the indicators “myCandle” and “myOpening Range” to help.

      With both setups, the OBV with a moving average can be very helpful.

      In principle, the indicator can be used without any further assistance.

    • bertrandpinoy • 09/07/2020 #

      @MAKSIDE I would be grateful if you send me your version. have a nice day

  6. Thomas • 09/07/2020 #


  7. Thomas • 09/07/2020 #

    OBV and Worrior

  8. Fabian • 09/07/2020 #

    Hi Thomas,

    thanks for your explanations.

    Which indicator do you use in the screenshot (bottom)?

    Do you also use the Bollinger Band (as shown in the picture)?
    Have you ever thought about implementing the “Better Bollinger Band”?

    I think it reacts faster and is better suited for scalping.


    • Thomas • 09/07/2020 #

      Thats On Balance Volume and Bollinger or SMA or what you want. It shows me the volume flow. I rarely use the Bollinger Bands for scalping. Mostly just volume, Heikin Ashi. Higher timeframe, more indicators. That depends on the market and timeframe and vola

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