#TheStrat Reversals

#TheStrat Reversals

This indicator is a dedication to the work of @RobInTheBlack (Twitter Handle) who has helped countless traders with this pure price action based strategy that he developed over the past 27 years of trading, It is called #TheStrat

This indicator can plot the 4 different Price Action based reversals (along with their entries) as discussed here: https://www.newtraderu.com/2019/02/13/what-do-we-know-to-be-true-about-price-action/

I recommend importing the .ITF in order to load the variables, but for those interested here is the code:

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ProRealTime ITF files and other attachments : How to import ITF files into ProRealTime platform?

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  1. TIdegoesout • 11/24/2020 #


    I am struggling to back test this everytime I import it to the indicator bar it does not appear on my backtesting page and only appears on my indicator page. Any suggestions welcome.

  2. juanj • 11/24/2020 #

    This is only an Indicator, the strategy tester is posted in the library here: https://www.prorealcode.com/prorealtime-trading-strategies/thestrat-combo-tester/

  3. jzhuang • 11/24/2020 #

    it seems not working on prorealtime v11.1

  4. Ridge-Trader • 11/24/2020 #

    thanks a lot, it´s very helpfull for me. Do you know, where i can find more Indicators for #TheStrat

  5. Copperwave • 11/24/2020 #

    Hi Juan – awesome implementation of Robins price action analysis. Any chance this can be modded into a screener?

  6. Daniel da Costa • 11/24/2020 #

    Well done Juan!

  7. idunnomuch • 11/24/2020 #

    IS this working in the latest version of prorealtime? I get the indicator, but not over my chart, but in a separate part of the window but it is also blank?

  8. bernardmorel • 11/24/2020 #

    egalement apparait en dessous du graphique mais vide

  9. bernardmorel • 11/24/2020 #


    est t il possible de remettre en ligne the strat car il y a une indication qui demande au concepteur de le remettre en ligne

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