TMA center channel bands

TMA center channel bands

Here is another channel upper and lower bands indicator, this one is made of a centered Triangular Moving Average with classic deviation from this mean, made of plus and minus ATR multiplicated value. Quiet popular in the forex trading community, it is the base of many more or less sophisticated strategy, do your homework with this one, you’ll find it is valuable for different market phase.



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  1. Ermitage • 02/13/2016 #

    please have you got the opportunity to modify code in order to obtain a centered simple moving avarage? thanks

  2. Chicane23 • 02/13/2016 #

    Hi! Can you explain the ATR length and ATR half length? Should one of these nbit be the number of periods linked to TMA?

  3. Wolf • 02/13/2016 #

    Just for information:
    This calculate code is interesting, but it is not a Triangular Moving Average, but A Weighted Moving Average.
    Nowadays with new version of PRT
    So, to reduce the calculate time. It is possible to cancel from line 6 to 16 and change line 18 by:
    Buffer1 = WeightedAverage[HalfLength](close) or
    Buffer1 = average[HalfLength,2](close)

    • Dron • 02/13/2016 #

      Hola Lobo, soy nuevo en programación, pero me interesa ese indicador, en tu mensaje estas hablando en la modificación de código para adoptarlo a la nueva versión de prt, podrías colgar el código modificado competo please?

  4. supertiti • 02/13/2016 #

    // TMA CENTER Channel by Dave modifié
    // parameters
    // HalfLength = 50
    // AtrLength = 100
    // AtrMultiplier = 2.0 perso = 3.6
    // AtrLength1 = 100
    // AtrMultiplier1 = perso = 6.1

    avg = average[1](close)

    sum = (HalfLength+1)*avg
    sumw = (HalfLength+1)
    k = HalfLength

    for j = 1 to HalfLength do
    k = k-1
    sum = sum+(k*avg[j])
    sumw = sumw+k

    buffer1 = sum/sumw

    myrange = AverageTrueRange[AtrLength](close)*AtrMultiplier

    buffer2 = buffer1+myrange
    buffer3 = buffer1-myrange
    myrange1 = AverageTrueRange[AtrLength1](close)*AtrMultiplier1
    buffer4 = buffer1+myrange1
    buffer5 = buffer1-myrange1
    RETURN buffer1 coloured(0,220,0) as “TMA”, buffer2 coloured(220,0,0) as “upper band”, buffer3 coloured(0,220,0) as “lower band”,buffer4 coloured(220,0,0) as “upper band1”, buffer5 coloured(0,220,0) as “lower band1”

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