
TMAGi is an oscillator based on three moving averages and the +DI and -DI lines of the ADX indicator. It indicates the market state: uptrend/downtrend/flat.

Configurable parameters:

  • Fast MA period – fast MA calculation period
  • Middle MA period – middle MA calculation price
  • Slow MA period – slow MA calculation price
  • SMA slowing – SMA smoothing period
  • LWMA slowing – LWMA smoothing period


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AGTrader Interesante, muy visual Doc. Felicidades!!!
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4example Thank you
Gaby333 to good to be true dosent do anything))
ullle73 nicolas, can you somehome make this to be in the background of the price chart?
jonpt88 none did that yet right?
Nicolas You can ask for a code modification on forums, please open a new topic with your request.
Toto le Heros Thanks Nicolas. I read somewhere that in the calculation, we should round the value of the A...
Nicolas aADX = round(adx[10])
AG1 Thanks Nicolas Still a problem in line 29 Please take a look. thanks again Alex
Nicolas code is modified in the above post, use that one.
AG1 Still a problem in line 29 Please take a look. thanks again Alex
7 years ago
Trinity Impulse
Trinity Impulse
ribou ah d'accord merci beaucoup
domenico nlevel1 non modifica la curva al variare del suo valore
tiger_man_no1 Very nice ; what is the best period input date for DAILY CHART ?
gabri Non sono un genio ma so fare qualcosa. Posso provare ad aiutarti ma se e' troppo complicato ...
Vinks_o_7 I looked at your page: It's written: Method 2: Current High less the previous Close (absolu...
gabri You are right, I will change it, Thank you!!
gabri Agree. Many of those indicators are using very similar ideas. ADX is a very powerful and und...
Marcel But still it is a (lagging) derivation of price itself.
gabri All the indicators are lagging because they are all based on historical data.
flodefacebook Merci Nicolas pour cet indicateur. Très utile dans une technique de retournement.
HeikinAshi thank you for this very interesting indicator Nicolas! did you define a tradable setup fo...
nwesterhuijs Thanks, only saw it just now.
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8 years ago
Francesco78 very nice, thanks!
Wilko Interesting! Thanks for sharing!
BjornH Extremely nice, thanks!
