TSR ADR Daily Range Display

TSR ADR Daily Range Display

This indicator plot rectangle of Average Day Range of different periods and therefore how far the market travels on average.

So the marked levels could be used as support / resistance levels or objectives.

The indicator uses 20 day average.

Converted from a MT4 indicator as requested in the ProBuilder english forum.



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  1. Billy Ray Valentine • 12/11/2018 #

    Ciao Nicolas, ottimo indicatore, sarebbe possibile creare un trading system su questo indicatore, che acquisti quando il prezzo tocchi la linea “bottom” e venda quando il prezzo tocchi la linea “top”?

    • Nicolas • 12/11/2018 #

      Bene, perché no, trovi che sia affidabile a lungo termine?

  2. Billy Ray Valentine • 12/11/2018 #

    Non saprei, che ne dici di provare?

  3. Steffen Schmauch • 12/11/2018 #

    hello Nicolas, can I change the indicator that I only get the time of 8-9 clock displayed? and it can also change that

  4. bertrandpinoy • 12/11/2018 #

    je constate que de plus en + de trader utilise des zones de prix pour leur positions. elles sont déterminées par un tracés de lignes des plus haut et plus bas sur 3 unités de temps par exemple. cela créé une zone d achat et une zone de vente. un tel inducteur existe t il d après vous ? Cordialement.

    • Nicolas • 12/11/2018 #

      Pas à ma connaissance, mais on pourrait le coder, merci de formuler une demande dans le forum.

  5. mathiasKN • 12/11/2018 #

    Steffen Schmauch • 12/11/2018 #
    hello Nicolas, can I change the indicator that I only get the time of 8-9 clock displayed? and it can also change that

    That would be a lovely option, how to you put that code in?

    • Nicolas • 12/11/2018 #

      Please open a new topic in the indicator forum and explain there your query, thank you.

  6. upupandaway • 12/11/2018 #

    This seems like a very useful indicator. However, it does not seem to open properly in the current version of PRT?

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