Value Chart High/Low

Value Chart High/Low

The original value chart is made of OHLC candlesticks drowned on a normalized scale. This one only reflect high and low values, that are more useful for its purpose.

This indicator is popular in scalping trading and short-term binary options because of its effectiveness to spot prices excess on a relative short time scale. Period and overbought/oversold areas are configurable to fit your timeframe and trading method.

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  1. Nicolas • 02/17/2016 #

    Very nice, thanks for your contribution. Next generation of the platform will have the ability to draw custom candlestick with only a simple instruction, then we’ll can make this indicator entirely without restriction. You can have a look on the new DRAWCANDLESTICK instruction here :
    Drawing Bar chart will be also possible with the instruction DRAWBARCHART  :

    • daveAF • 02/17/2016 #

      very interesting, do you know when it will be available to everyone?

    • Nicolas • 02/17/2016 #

      Don’t really know it. I only have a VIP Beta access and it looks promising. A lot of improvements have been made for indicators development and beyond. Of course i’ll give news here in ProRealCode as soon as possible.
      I already have investigated in new drawing capabilities and it is awesome! At least, we can do almost anything for chart drawing. Our imagination the limit 🙂

    • daveAF • 02/17/2016 #

      Well, i’ll look forward for it. Cant wait.Thank you Nicolas!

  2. Nicolas • 02/17/2016 #

    For your interest i have coded the ProRealTime next generation version of this indicator, with all the OHLC value. I’m talking about it here in the forum :

  3. hans • 02/17/2016 #

    Salut Nicolas,
    for me the chart shows up as 2 lines. what does it mean “high value” and “low value”? is it enough for the “high value” to be oversold to trigger a signal or do both lines have to be above?

    • Nicolas • 02/17/2016 #

      Only high for short signal and low for long signal are important.

  4. tfx • 02/17/2016 #

    Nice indicator. It might be a newbie question, but what kind of candlesticks are visible on the upper part of the chart? They are kind of equalized. Thank you.

    • daveAF • 02/17/2016 #

      Don’t remember but they seem to be normal candlesticks to me. In 1 minute time frame there not much ticks. 

  5. tfx • 02/17/2016 #

    This was my first thought, but 1 minute bars don’t look like these on my charts. Hmm…

    • daveAF • 02/17/2016 #

       It’s SP500 before Wall Street open. 

    • tfx • 02/17/2016 #

      I will be looking into it. Thank you for responding!

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