Measures the volatility range of current price range, can help detect squeezes as well explosive moves (description from original author: ricardo santos)
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//PRC_VolatilityExplosiveMeasure | indicator //14.03.2022 //Nicolas @ //Sharing ProRealTime knowledge //converted from pinescript bulloutput = 0 bearoutput = 0 irange = close - open doji = irange = 0 upbar = irange > 0 or doji and irange[1] > 0 bullcounter = barssince(not upbar) if (upbar) then for i = 0 to max(0, bullcounter - 1) bulloutput = bulloutput + irange[i] next endif dnbar = irange < 0 or doji and irange[1] < 0 bearcounter = barssince(not dnbar) if (dnbar) then for i = 0 to max(0, bearcounter - 1) bearoutput = bearoutput + irange[i] next endif length = 10 bullma = average[length,1](bulloutput) bearma = average[length,1](bearoutput) width = bullma - bearma return width |
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Hi, does this only work for v11 as I get an error on line 12, character 24 in v10.3 – thanks
yes, because BARSSINCE is a new instruction only available in prorealtime version 11.
Works extremely well in current market.
Works extremely well – How? How do u implement this in a startegy? Breakoutstrategy?
Thanks, but yes same question as above, some explanations on how to read it would be appreciated.
Bonjour. Merci beaucoup !
J’ai installé l’indicateur sur PRT 11 mais pour des raisons qui m’échappent il trace l’indicateur à l’intérieur même du graphique du prix, sous celui ci et non dans un rectangle séparé sous le graphique du prix. Ca le rend du coup inutilisable puisque je ne peux que conserver le prix ou l’indicateur mais pas visionner les 2 en même temps. Pouvez-vous m’aider ?