I have tried to visualise ichimoku without disturbing the main chart. I worked with the Sin(atan(5)) by creating 5 different conditions.
All the conditions are tested as Boolean conditions (+1) or (-1) and totalized as a single histogram.
So we have 6 possible results. 4 of 6 conditions are relevant the other two are weak, not completed or floating and therefore ignored.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 |
// 21 april 2020 // Ichimoku Digital by Zigo // once a=9 once n=a once m=3*n-1 TS= (highest[n](high)+lowest[n](low))/2 KS=(highest[m](high)+lowest[m](low))/2 SpanA=(TS+KS)/2 SpanB=(highest[2*m](high)+lowest[2*m](low))/2 C=close CS=close[m] //Conditie 1 if TS >= KS Then Cond1=1 elsif TS <= KS then cond1=-1 endif //Conditie 2 if C>= CS then cond2=1 elsif C <= cS then cond2 =-1 endif //Conditie 3 if c >= (spanA[26] + SpanB[26])/2 then cond3=1 elsif c <= (SpanA[26] + SpanB[26])/2 then cond3 = -1 endif //Conditie 4 if ts > (SpanA + SpanB)/2 then cond4= 1 elsif ts < (spanA + SpanB)/2 then cond4=-1 endif //Conditie 5 if ts > SpanB then cond5= 1 elsif ts <spanB then cond5=-1 endif Ichi = sin(atan(cond1 + cond2 +cond3 + cond4 + cond5)) c7=Ichi - ichi[1] if c7 > 0.70711 then DRAWTEXT("Up", barindex, 2, dialog,standard,14)coloured(0,255,153,255) elsif c7 < -0.70711 then DRAWTEXT("Dn", barindex, -2, dialog, standard, 14)coloured(255, 175, 51) endif return ichi as "Body", c7 as"Signal Up or Dn", 0 as"ZeroLine" |
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Neat. Thanks.
Line 39 TS has to be KS
Line 41 TS has to be KS