Zero Lag ZigZag Stochastic

Zero Lag ZigZag Stochastic

Hi all,
Here is an home made indicator.
I took the indicator code stochastic and I integrated the ZigZag.
I thank Jose7674 very much for his code, concerning the divergences of the MACD, which I used for my indicator.
See: MACD Divergences on price and indicator


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  1. Sofitech • 10/25/2018 #

    Is it an indicator you integrate in your trading / scalping ? Could you have some words about it ? A kind of feedback of yhe way you are using it.

    • Matriciel • 10/25/2018 #

      I use this indicator to help me make a decision when there is a divergence. The divergences are very significant with this indicator.
      Scalping is better when you trade divergences !

      I use this indicator to help me make a decision when there is a divergence. The divergences are very significant with this indicator.
      Scalping is better when you trade divergences !

  2. teddy58 • 10/25/2018 #

    Ich habe es mit N= 1,5 und N=2,5 getestet mit 200000 Einheiten. Es funktioniert leider erst ab 2016.

  3. Jan Wind • 10/25/2018 #

    I personnaly am not a big fan of ZIGZAG indicator, as it repaints itself during time. (as the actuality becomes history, you exactly know what you should be trading)
    Given this in my opinion noisy aspect of the ZIGZAG indicator, how do you deal with that in your indicator ?
    KR Jan

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