The ZiBoll Style Indicator is based on special view of the bollinger bands. The bollinger values are computed with the help of a weighted average of the Low’s and of the High’s.
When those MA’s are computed , they where compared with the close to create a Boolean result.
Signals are given by red and blue arrows. (arrows into red and blue circles). Compare with the backtest arrows, it don’t fit. I like to discuss this matter.
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// Settings Once p = 20 Once s = 0.5 // Computes the basic moving average from the low and from the high BollMALow = WeightedAverage[p](Low) BollMAHigh= Weightedaverage[p](High) // Computes the Standard Deviation (You can also take fx for colculate the "StdSTD[20](close)") IF barindex >= p-1 THEN sumy2 = 0 sumy = 0 FOR i = 0 TO p-1 do sumy2 = sumy2 + SQUARE(close[i]) sumy = sumy + close[i] NEXT STDDEV =SQRT(sumy2 / p - SQUARE(sumy / p)) ELSE STDDEV = undefined ENDIF //Compute the Special Bollinger Bands. //Instead of two times the STDDEV we calculate 0.5 times the STDDEV , and subtract it from the LowMA //For the upper value we take 0.5 times the STDDEV and add it to the HighMA BdnL = BollMALow - (s * STDDEV) buph = bollmahigh + (s * STDDEV) //Compare the results with the close of each candle //Lower than the close its -1 //Higher than the close its +1 //Between the two values equals the previous values if close < BdnL then ZHL=-1 elsif close > Buph then ZHL=1 else ZHL=ZHL[1] endif //The Boolean value of ZHL if ZHL crosses over 0 then Dnh=Buph drawtext("●",barindex,low-2*AverageTrueRange[14](close),Dialog,Bold,30) coloured(55,55,255,55) DRAWARROWUP(barindex, low-2*AverageTrueRange[14](close))coloured(0,0,255,255) endif if ZHL crosses under 0 then Uph=Bdnl drawtext("●",barindex,high+2*AverageTrueRange[14](close),Dialog,Bold,30) coloured(255,55,55,55) DRAWARROWDOWN(barindex, high+2*AverageTrueRange[14](close))coloured(255,0,0,255) endif RETURN dnh coloured(205,55,55,255) as"boll-" , uph coloured(55,55,155,255)as"boll+" |
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hi is posible you put the code for version 11.thank you
Normaly it do work in version 11.
Hello to all, please does a coder can bring the indication of the price level on the chart of when the fleche applies…thank you in advance.
add between line 50 and 51 : drawtext(“#dnh#”,barindex,low-2.618*AverageTrueRange[14](close),Dialog,Bold,30) coloured(55,55,255,255)
add also between line 55 and 56 : drawtext(“#upH#”,barindex,low-2.618*AverageTrueRange[14](close),Dialog,Bold,30) coloured(0,255,255,255)