Author: Kulwant
The bearish moving average crossing over system is one of the most famous. It is based on the observation that a rapid moving average crosses under a slow moving average when a bearish trend appears.
We are going to build a ProScreener that collects all the stocks on which the 20 days moving average crosses under the 50 days moving average.
Furthermore, we will compute the momentum of the difference between the two moving averages in order to evalutate how powerful the under crossing is. If this number is near 0, the crossing is slow and not very significant. But higher is this number stronger is the crossing.
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REM Compute a simple moving average on the last 20 days ma20 = AVERAGE[20] REM Compute a simple moving average on the last 50 days ma50 = AVERAGE[50] REM Compute the differential speed between the short and the long moving average speed = MOMENTUM(ma20-ma50) * 100 / CLOSE REM Select all the stocks on which that crossing over has just occured Filter = ma20 < ma50 SCREENER [ Filter ] (speed AS"Speed") |
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