This stock screener test the following conditions:
- one year trend is > two year trend
- two year trend is > four year trend
- price touches sma or ema 50 (eqal like the most popular 200 day average) = indicates a cheap price
- price greather than 50 ema or sma
- close > open (green candle indicates an reversal
It is only on weekly chart for nasdaq or nyse stock exchange or set down the filtered traded volume.
thats a simple timing strategy for position trading.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 |
// protrammiert von Marcus Schöppl // searching simple moving average c1 = close > 1 c2 = Average[50](close*volume) > 50000000 c3 = Average[50](close) c4 = low < c3 c5 = c4 or c4[1] or c4[2] or c4[3] c6 = Average[50](close) > Average[100](close) and Average[100](close) > Average[200](close) c7 = close > open and close > Average[50](close) c8 = c1 and c2 and c5 and c6 and c7 // searching on exponential moving average c9 =ExponentialAverage[50](close) > ExponentialAverage[100](close) and ExponentialAverage[100](close) > ExponentialAverage[200](close) c10 = ExponentialAverage[50](close) c11 = low < c10 c12 = c11 or c11[1] or c11[2] or c11[3] c13 = close > open and close > exponentialAverage[50](close) c14 = c1 and c2 and c9 and c12 and c13 //summy c15 = c8 or c14 Screener [c15 ] sort by volume*close/1000000 as "traded wolume" |
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