ABCD Pattern screener

ABCD Pattern screener

ABCD Pattern screener

Based on a request in the italian support forum, it scans for both Bullish and Bearish ABCD patterns.

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  1. s00071609 • 11/20/2019 #

    Can this be used as indicator? That is possibility to load it in a chart for scanning chart for ABCD

  2. robertogozzi • 11/20/2019 #

    You can use the indicator here

  3. PEDRAM.JOKAR • 11/20/2019 #

    Can I have the code for the screener that detects ABCD according to above code in 2 timeframes? if there is 2 timeframe red-red or green-green ABCD pattern.

  4. robertogozzi • 11/20/2019 #

    I suggest that you open a new topic in the ProScreener support forum. Thank you.

  5. PEDRAM.JOKAR • 11/20/2019 #

    OK. Sure.

  6. massimo.g. • 11/20/2019 #

    questo screener si può usare anche sul mercato Azinario ?

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