Author: willem01
Screen for Bear signals in My Portfolio
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 |
REM ProRealTime CandleStick BackTest REM (Position on My Vitual Portfolio LIST) REM Body Colors ********************************************************* REM whiteBody = (Close >= Open) blackBody = (Open > Close) REM Body Size (%) ********************************************************* REM smallBodyMaximum = 0.0025 REM LargeBodyMinimum = 0.01 REM smallBody = (Open >= Close *(1-smallBodyMaximum) AND whiteBody) OR (Close >= Open *(1-smallBodyMaximum) AND blackBody) REM largeBody = (Close >= Open *(1+largeBodyMinimum) AND whiteBody) OR Close <= Open *(1-largeBodyMinimum) AND blackBody REM mediumBody = NOT LargeBody AND NOT smallBody REM identicalBodies = ABS(ABS((Open [1])-(Close [1]))-ABS(Open - Close )) < ABS(Open - Close)*smallBodyMaximum REM realBodySize = ABS(Open - Close) REM Candle Definitions ********************************************************* REM spinningTop = mediumBody REM Doji = ABS(Close - Open ) <= (Close *smallBodyMaximum) OR ABS(Open - Close )<=((High - Low)*0.1) REM dojiStar = doji AND (GapUp OR GapDown)AND(LargeBody[1]) REM marabuzu = LargeBody AND smallUpperShadow AND smallLowerShadow REM (NOT largeBody AND smallLowerShadow AND LargeUpperShadow) OR*/ REM shootingStar = smallLowerShadow AND NOT doji AND ((blackBody AND ABS(Open -High)>2*realBodySize) OR whiteBody AND ABS( High - Close )>2*realBodySize) REM Hammer = smallUpperShadow AND NOT doji AND ((blackBody AND ABS(Close - Low )>2*realBodySize) OR (whiteBody AND ABS( Low - Open )>2*realBodySize)) REM tweezerTop = ABS(High -(High[1]))<= High * 0.0025 REM tweezerBottom = ABS(Low -(Low[1]))<= Low * 0.0025 REM Shadows ********************************************************* REM smallUpperShadow = (whiteBody AND High <= Close *(1+smallBodyMaximum)) OR (blackBody AND High <= Open *(1+smallBodyMaximum)) REM smallLowerShadow = (whiteBody AND Low >= Open *(1-smallBodyMaximum)) OR (blackBody AND Low >= Close *(1-smallBodyMaximum)) REM largeUpperShadow = (whiteBody AND High >= Close *(1+largeBodyMinimum)) OR (blackBody AND High >= Open *(1+largeBodyMinimum)) REM largeLowerShadow = (whiteBody AND Low <= Open *(1-largeBodyMinimum)) OR (blackBody AND Low <= Close *(1-largeBodyMinimum)) REM Gaps ********************************************************** REM GapUp REM GapUp = ((blackBody[1]) AND whiteBody AND Open > (Open [1])) OR ((blackbody[1]) AND blackBody AND Close >(Open [1])) OR ((whiteBody[1]) AND whiteBody AND Open > (Close [1])) OR ((whiteBody[1])AND blackBody AND Close >(Close [1])) REM GapDown REM GapDown = ((blackBody[1]) AND whiteBody AND Close <(Close [1])) OR ((blackbody[1]) AND blackBody AND Open <(Close [1])) OR ((whiteBody[1]) AND whiteBody AND Close <(Open [1])) OR ((whiteBody[1]) AND blackBody AND Open <(Open [1])) REM Engulfing ********************************************************** REM Engulfing = ((blackBody AND (blackbody[1]) AND Close <(Close [1]) AND Open >(Open [1]))) OR ((blackBody AND (whiteBody[1]) AND Open >(Close [1]) AND Close <(Open [1]))) OR ((whitebody AND (whitebody[1]) AND Close >(Close [1]) AND Open <(Open [1]))) OR ((whiteBody AND (blackBody[1])) AND Close >(Open [1]) AND Open <(Close [1])) REM Harami REM Harami = ((blackbody AND (blackBody[1]) AND Open <(Open [1]) AND Close >(Close [1]))) OR ((blackBody AND (whiteBody[1]) AND Close >(Open [1]) AND Open <(Close [1]))) OR ((whiteBody AND (whiteBody[1]) AND Close <(Close [1]) AND Open >(Open [1]))) OR ((whiteBody AND (blackBody[1]) AND Open >(Close [1]) AND Close <(Open [1]))) REM Maximum High Today - (MHT) Today is the maximum High in the last 5 days*/ REM MHT = HIGHEST[5](HIGH) REM Maximum High Yesterday - (MHY) Yesterday is the maximum High in the last 5 days*/ REM MHY = HIGHEST[5](HIGH[1]) REM Minimum Low Today - (MLT) Today is the minimum Low in the last 5 days*/ REM MLT = LOWEST[5](LOW) REM Minimum Low Yesterday - (MLY) Yesterday is the minimum Low in the last 5 days*/ REM MLY = LOWEST[5](LOW[1]) REM DOJI definitions ********************************************************** REM Doji Today - (DT)*/ REM DT = ABS(Close - Open) <= (Close * smallBodyMaximum) OR (ABS(Open - Close )<= (( High - Low )*0.1)) REM Doji Yesterday - (DY)*/ REM DY = ABS( ( Close[1])-(Open [1])) <= ( Close[1]) *smallBodyMaximum OR ABS ( ( Open[1])-(Close[1])) <= ( (High[1]) - (Low[1]))* 0.1 REM ********************************************************** REM BEARS REM ********************************************************** REM Identical three black crows*/ REM Patroon: Trendomkeer REM Trend: Bearish REM Betrouwbaarheid: Hoog REM Frequentie: Hoog idendicalThreeBlackCrows = (blackBody[2]) AND (blackBody[1]) AND blackBody SCREENER [idendicalThreeBlackCrows] |
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thanks alot! the code is actually a very handy candlestick tool kit for creating any possible custom candle scanner. great work:)