This screener is done only to search for some chartist figures to help you find them easily. Only the upper change tendencies with high probabilities are listed. At longer time period, the probabilities for a raise up is higher than small time units. In general i only advice you to use it for your inofrmation and not to find an entry point
The figures detected are :
1 = Morning star/ abandonned baby
2 = Three inside up
3 = Three outside up
4 = Piercing line
5 = Concealing baby swallow
6 = Tweezers Bottom
7 = Three Lines Strike
8 = (en comment pour le moment) Three white soldiers
Also, when used, the additional column gives you a number. The first part is the unit of time the figure was detected , the last part gives you the number of the figure. (for example : 64 => at the last 6 unit time, 4 = the piercing line)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 |
for i=0 to 9 do // DESCENDING TENDENCY // candles d-2, d-3,d-4 are going down cDOWN0 = high[i+6] > high[i+5] cDOWN1 = high[i+5] > high[i+4] cDOWN2 = high[i+4] > high[i+3] cDOWN3 = low[i+6] > low[i+5] cDOWN4 = low[i+5] > low[i+4] cDOWN5 = low[i+4] > low[i+3] BEFOREDOWN = cDOWN0 and cDOWN1 and cDOWN2 and cDOWN3 and cDOWN4 and cDOWN5 // --------------------------------- // TODAY IS UP //cUp0 = open[i] < close[i] //cUp1 = open[i] > open[i+1] //cUP10 = low[i] > high[i+1] AFTERUP = 1//(cUP0 and cUP1) or cUP10 // --------------------------------- // 1=MORNING STAR // candle d-3 red cMS0 = open[i+3] > close[i+3] // candle d-2 with gap under d-2 and smaller than 33% of d-3 cMS10 = abs(close[i+2] - open[i+2]) < (33/100 * abs(close[i+3] - open[i+3])) cMS11 = close[i+3] > close[i+2] cMS12 = close[i+3] > open[i+2] // last candle is green, upper from d-2 and close more than 50% or d-3 cMS20 = open[i+1] < close[i+1] cMS21 = open[i+1] > open[i+2] cMS22 = close[i+1] > ((close[i+3]+open[i+3])/3) MS = cMS0 and cMS10 and cMS11 and cMS12 and cMS20 and cMS21 and cMS22 // --------------------------------- // 2=THREE INSIDE UP // candle d-3 red cTIU0 = open[i+3] > close[i+3] // candle d-2 day before is green and is contained in d-3 cTIU10 = open[i+2] < close[i+2] cTIU11 = open[i+3] > close[i+2] cTIU12 = close[i+3] < open[i+2] // candle d-1 is green and upper from d-2 cTIU20 = open[i+1] < close[i+1] cTIU21 = open[i+1] > open[i+2] cTIU22 = close[i+1] > open[i+3] TIU = cTIU0 and cTIU10 and cTIU11 and cTIU12 and cTIU20 and cTIU21 and cTIU22 // --------------------------------- // 3=THREE OUSTSIDE UP // candle d-3 red cTOU0 = open[i+3] > close[i+3] // doji d-2 day before is green and contain d-3 cTOU10 = open[i+2] < close[i+2] cTOU11 = open[i+3] < close[i+2] cTOU12 = close[i+3] > open[i+2] // last doji is green and upper from d-2 cTOU20 = open[i+1] < close[i+1] cTOU21 = open[i+1] > open[i+2] cTOU22 = close[i+1] > close[i+2] TOU = cTOU0 and cTOU10 and cTOU11 and cTOU12 and cTOU20 and cTOU21 and cTOU22 // --------------------------------- // 4=PIERCING LINE // d-2 is red cPL0 = open[i+2] > close[i+2] cPL1 = high[i+3] > high[i+2] cPL2 = low[i+3] > low[i+2] // d-1 is green with gap under and up more thn 50% of d-2 but inside it cPL10 = open[i+1] < close[i+1] cPL11 = open[i+1] < low[i+2] cPL12 = close[i+1] > ((close[i+2]-open[i+2])/2+open[i+2]) cPL13 = open[i+2] > close[i+1] PL = cPL0 and cPL1 and cPL2 and cPL10 and cPL11 and cPL12 and cPL13 // --------------------------------- // 5=CONCEALING BABY SWALLOW // all days are red cCBS0 = open[i+4] > close[i+4] cCBS1 = open[i+3] > close[i+3] cCBS2 = open[i+2] > close[i+2] cCBS3 = open[i+1] > close[i+1] // d-2 have a gap cCBS10 = low[i+3] > close[i+2] // d-1 cover totally d-2 cCBS20 = open[i+1] < low[i+2] cCBS21 = close[i+1] > high[i+2] CBS = cCBS0 and cCBS1 and cCBS2 and cCBS3 and cCBS10 and cCBS20 and cCBS21 // --------------------------------- // 6=TWEEZERS BOTTOM // d-2 is going down and red cTB0 = high[i+3] > high[i+2] cTB1 = low[i+3] > low[i+2] cTB2 = open[i+2] > close[i+2] // d-1 is green and same bottom than d-2 cTB10 = open[i+1] < close[i+1] cTB11 = low[i+2] = low[i+1] TB = cTB0 and cTB1 and cTB2 and cTB10 and cTB11 // --------------------------------- // 7=THREE LINES STRIKE // d-4, d-3 and d-2 red and going down cTLS0 = open[i+4] > close[i+4] cTLS1 = open[i+3] > close[i+3] cTLS2 = open[i+2] > close[i+2] cTLS3 = high[i+3] > high[i+2] cTLS4 = low[i+3] > low[i+2] // d-1 is green and contain all last three candles cTLS10 = open[i+1] < close[i+1] cTLS11 = open[i+1] < close[i+2] cTLS12 = close[i+1] > open[i+4] TLS = cTLS0 and cTLS1 and cTLS2 and cTLS3 and cTLS4 and cTLS10 and cTLS11 and cTLS12 // --------------------------------- // 8=THREE WHITE SOLDIER // 3 last are green and upper cTWS10 = open[i+3] < close[i+3] cTWS11 = open[i+2] < close[i+2] cTWS12 = open[i+1] < close[i+1] cTWS13 = open[i+3] < open[i+2] cTWS14 = open[i+2] < open[i+1] cTWS15 = close[i+3] < close[i+2] cTWS16 = close[i+2] < close[i+1] // second candle is bigger tahn first cTWS20 = close[i+2]-open[i+2] > close[i+3]-open[i+3] TWS = cTWS10 and cTWS11 and cTWS12 and cTWS13 and cTWS14 and cTWS15 and cTWS16 and cTWS20 // --------------------------------- // CONCLUSION x=0 if BEFOREDOWN and AFTERUP then if MS then x=1 break elsif TIU then x=2 break elsif TOU then x=3 break elsif PL then x=4 break elsif CBS then x=5 break elsif TB then x=6 break elsif TLS then x=7 break elsif TWS then //x=8 endif endif next SCREENER[x>0]((i+3)*10+x as "1=MS, 2=TIU, 3=TOU, 4=PL, 5=CBS, 6=TB, 7=TLS, 8=TWS") |
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Bonjour Vivien,
Avant tout félicitations pour ton travail ! Par contre, je te propose d’écrire VR_ITF files afin que tes screenners soient regroupés.
C’est le début d’une image de marque 🙂
A plus
Thank you. These will be helpful. 🙂
Bonjour Vivien, j’aimerai utiliser ton screener, mais je n’arrive pas à l’utiliser? j’ai bien copié le code, mais je n’ai aucune detection? il doit y avoir un truc à modifier ou à regler pour que ca fonctionne? merci en tout cas !
Vous devriez télécharger le fichier itf et l’importer dans la plateforme au lieu de copier/coller. Par ailleurs, si il n’y a pas de résultat, essayez sur une autre liste de valeurs.
Bonjour Vivien. Le proscrenner m’affiche une colonne de chiffre … 42, 56, 112 … ? A quoi cela correspond ? Merci.
La première partie est l’unité de temps où la figure a été détectée, la dernière partie vous donne le numéro de la figure. (par exemple: 64 => aux 6 dernières unités de temps, 4 = la ligne de perçage)
Bonjour je suis très intéressé par ce screener mais je ne comprends pas les résultats que j’obtiens. voir ci dessous
les chiffres de la première colonne ne correspondent pas aux indications que je devrais avoir et la deuxième colonne donne le prix
merci de vos commentaires
Je pense avoir compris dans la première colonne exemple 92 le 9 indique la période et le 2 three inside up
It seems to work very well. Good for confirmation.
Thanks for sharing Vivien.