screener of figure cup with handle to be associated with “indicator of figure cup with handle“.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 |
CapitaLisationMini =10000 timeframe (monthly) c1=average[20](close*volume)>(CapitaLisationMini*21) timeframe (weekly) c1=average[20](close*volume)>(CapitaLisationMini*5) TIMEFRAME(4 HOUR) c1=average[20](close*volume)>(CapitaLisationMini/2.125) TIMEFRAME(2 HOUR) c1=average[20](close*volume)>(CapitaLisationMini/4.25) TIMEFRAME(1 HOUR) c1=average[20](close*volume)>(CapitaLisationMini/8.5) TIMEFRAME(30 minutes) c1=average[20](close*volume)>(CapitaLisationMini/17) TIMEFRAME(15 minutes) c1=average[20](close*volume)>(CapitaLisationMini/34) TIMEFRAME(5 minutes) c1=average[20](close*volume)>(CapitaLisationMini/102) TIMEFRAME(2 minutes) c1=average[20](close*volume)>(CapitaLisationMini/255) TIMEFRAME(daily) c1=average[20](close*volume)>(CapitaLisationMini) Timeframe(default) B5searchzone=13 B5searchzonea=23 B5searchzoneb=33 P1Price = 0 P1Pricea = 0 P1Priceb = 0 for i = 0 to B5searchzone if high[i] > P1Price then P1Price = high[i] B5=i B5index = BarIndex[i] endif next for ia = 0 to B5searchzonea if high[ia] > P1Pricea then P1Pricea = high[ia] B5a=ia B5indexa = BarIndex[ia] endif next for ib = 0 to B5searchzoneb if high[ib] > P1Priceb then P1Priceb = high[ib] B5b=ib B5indexb = BarIndex[ib] endif next B0price=0 for j=B5 to B5+172 DO If high[j] <= P1Price and high[j+1] > P1Price then B0price=high[j] B0=j B0index=barindex[j] endif next B0pricea=0 for ja=B5a to B5a+172 DO If high[ja] <= P1Pricea and high[ja+1] > P1Pricea then B0pricea=high[ja] B0a=ja //de droite à gauche B0indexa=barindex[ja] endif next B0priceb=0 for jb=B5b to B5b+172 DO If high[jb] <= P1Priceb and high[jb+1] > P1Priceb then B0priceb=high[jb] B0b=jb B0indexb=barindex[jb] endif next df=abs((b0-b5))+1 P0price=lowest[max(1,df)](low)[b5] dfa=abs((b0a-b5a))+1 P0pricea=lowest[max(1,dfa)](low)[b5a] dfb=abs((b0b-b5b))+1 P0priceb=lowest[max(1,dfb)](low)[b5b] B0B5=abs(B0-B5) B0B5a=abs(B0a-B5a) B0B5b=abs(B0b-B5b) boxheight = abs( P1price - P0price ) / 5 boxlength = round( (B0B5-0.5) / 5 ) boxheighta = abs( P1pricea - P0pricea ) / 5 boxlengtha = round( (B0B5a-0.5) / 5 ) boxheightb = abs( P1priceb - P0priceb ) / 5 boxlengthb = round( (B0B5b-0.5) / 5 ) reste=B0B5 MOD 5 restea=B0B5a MOD 5 resteb=B0B5b MOD 5 B4= B5 + boxlength B4a= B5a + boxlengtha B4b= B5b + boxlengthb B3=B4+boxlength B3a= B4a + boxlengtha B3b= B4b + boxlengthb B2=B3+boxlength B2a= B3a + boxlengtha B2b= B3b + boxlengthb B1=B2+boxlength+reste B1a=B2a+boxlengtha+restea B1b=B2b+boxlengthb+resteb L1= P0price + boxheight L2 = P0price + 2 * boxheight L3 = P0price + 3 * boxheight L1a= P0pricea + boxheighta L2a= P0pricea + 2 * boxheighta L3a = P0pricea + 3 * boxheighta L1b= P0priceb + boxheightb L2b= P0priceb + 2 * boxheightb L3b = P0priceb + 3 * boxheightb flag=0 d=abs((b1-b4))+1 e=b4 deborde=highest[max(1,d)](close)[e] IF deborde<l3 THEN flag=1 endif flag1=0 f=abs((b2-b3))+1 g=b3 deborde1=highest[max(1,f)](close)[g] IF deborde1<l2 THEN flag1=1 endif flaga=0 da=abs((b1a-b4a))+1 ea=b4a debordea=highest[max(1,da)](close)[ea] IF debordea<l3a THEN flaga=1 endif flaga1=0 fa=abs((b2a-b3a))+1 ga=b3a debordea1=highest[max(1,fa)](close)[ga] IF debordea1<l2a THEN flaga1=1 endif flagb=0 db=abs((b1b-b4b))+1 eb=b4b debordeb=highest[max(1,db)](close)[eb] IF debordeb<l3b THEN flagb=1 endif flagb1=0 fb=abs((b2b-b3b))+1 gb=b3b debordeb1=highest[max(1,fb)](close)[gb] IF debordeb1<l2b THEN flagb1=1 endif fl=abs((b0-b1))+1 fm=abs((b4-b5))+1 lowdebordea=lowest[max(1,fl)](low)[b1] lowdebordeb=lowest[max(1,fm)](low)[b5] flagB0B1B4B5= (lowdebordea or lowdebordeb) <(L2-(boxheight/3)) fn=abs((b1-b2))+1 Fo=abs((b3-b4))+1 lowdebordec=lowest[max(1,fn)](low)[b2] lowdeborded=lowest[max(1,fo)](low)[b4] flagB1B2B3B4=(lowdebordec or lowdeborded) <(L1-(boxheight/3)) lowdedans=(flagB0B1B4B5 or flagB1B2B3B4) fla=abs((b0a-b1a))+1 fma=abs((b4a-b5a))+1 lowdebordeaa=lowest[max(1,fla)](low)[b1a] lowdebordeba=lowest[max(1,fma)](low)[b5a] flagB0B1B4B5a=(lowdebordeaa or lowdebordeba) <(L2a-(boxheighta/3)) fna=abs((b1a-b2a))+1 Foa=abs((b3a-b4a))+1 lowdebordeca=lowest[max(1,fna)](low)[b2a] lowdebordeda=lowest[max(1,foa)](low)[b4a] flagB1B2B3B4a=(lowdebordeca or lowdebordeda) <(L1a-(boxheighta/3)) lowdedansa=(flagB0B1B4B5a or flagB1B2B3B4a) flb=abs((b0b-b1b))+1 fmb=abs((b4b-b5b))+1 lowdebordeab=lowest[max(1,flb)](low)[b1b] lowdebordebb=lowest[max(1,fmb)](low)[b5b] flagB0B1B4B5b=(lowdebordeab or lowdebordebb) <(L2b-(boxheightb/3)) fnb=abs((b1b-b2b))+1 Fob=abs((b3b-b4b))+1 lowdebordecb=lowest[max(1,fnb)](low)[b2b] lowdebordedb=lowest[max(1,fob)](low)[b4b] flagB1B2B3B4b=(lowdebordecb or lowdebordedb) <(L1b-(boxheightb/3)) lowdedansb=(flagB0B1B4B5b or flagB1B2B3B4b) If barindex > B5index then plusgrandL2=summation[B5](low>L2)=0 endif If barindex > B5indexa then plusgrandL2a=summation[B5a](low>L2a)=0 endif If barindex > B5indexb then plusgrandL2b=summation[B5b](low>L2b)=0 endif lowanse=lowest[max(1,b5)](low) lowansea=lowest[max(1,b5a)](low) lowanseb=lowest[max(1,b5b)](low) cote=high>low cherche=0 condition=flag=1 and flag1=1 and lowdedans=1 and plusgrandL2=0 and b0index<b5index and B0price>L3 and lowanse>((p1price-p0price)*0.5+(p0price)) if condition then cherche=13 endif conditiona=flaga=1 and flaga1=1 and lowdedansa and plusgrandL2a=0 and b0indexa<b5indexa and cote and B0pricea>L3a and lowansea>((p1pricea-p0pricea)*0.5+(p0pricea)) if conditiona then cherche=23 endif conditionb=flagb=1 and flagb1=1 and lowdedansb and plusgrandL2b=0 and b0indexb<b5indexb and cote and B0priceb>L3b and lowanseb>((p1priceb-p0priceb)*0.5+(p0priceb)) if conditionb then cherche=33 endif toute=condition or conditiona or conditionb SCREENER [c1 and (toute or toute[1] or toute[2] or toute[3] or toute[4]or toute[5] or toute[6] or toute[7] or toute[8] or toute[9] or toute[10])](cherche as "cherche",average[20](close*volume) as "c1") |
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