The simple strategy used in this screener is to find buying opportunity by locating daily throwback on Kijun Sen in a weekly uptrend using the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo system.
Use money management to limit the risk by trade.
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// Copyright (C) 2016 tasciccac. // // This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this. If not, see <>. // The simple strategy used in this screener is to find buying opportunity // Locate daily throwback on Kijun Sen in a weekly uptrend using Ichimoku Kinko Hyo system // Use money management to limit the risk by trade // Tenkan Sen Period TenkanSenPeriod = 9 // Kijun Sen Period KijunSenPeriod = 26 // Senkou Span Period SenkouSpanPeriod = 52 // Select the weekly time frame // To ensure a normal bullish trend TIMEFRAME(weekly) // Weekly Tenkan Sen TenkanSenW = (Highest[TenkanSenPeriod](High) + Lowest[TenkanSenPeriod](Low)) / 2 // Weekly Kijun Sen KijunSenW = (Highest[KijunSenPeriod](High) + Lowest[KijunSenPeriod](Low)) / 2 // Weekly SSA Senkou Sen A SenkouSpanAFutureW = (TenkanSenW + KijunSenW)/2 // Weekly SSB Senkou Sen B SenkouSpanBFutureW = (Highest[SenkouSpanPeriod](High) + Lowest[SenkouSpanPeriod](Low))/2 // Compute Trend Normality // Normality Of Trend is a Tasciccac indicator used to grade the quality of a trend // Normality Of Trend > 100 => Trend overheating (ie Overbuy) // 0 < Normality Of Trend < 100 => Trend normal => This is the configuration we look for a swing in this strategy // Normality Of Trend < 0 => Attempt a trend reversal // To find the trend direction I compare SenkouSenAFutureW & SenkouSenBFutureW // if (SenkouSenAFutureW > SenkouSenBFutureW) => BULLISH // if (SenkouSenAFutureW < SenkouSenBFutureW) => BEARISH NormalityOfTrendNormalityW = (TenkanSenW - KijunSenW) / (SenkouSpanAFutureW - SenkouSpanBFutureW) // With this condition we ensure the trend is clearly bullish in weekly TheWeeklyTrendIsBullishNormal=((SenkouSpanAFutureW > SenkouSpanBFutureW) AND (NormalityOfTrendNormalityW > 0) AND (NormalityOfTrendNormalityW < 100)) // Chikou is above its candle in weekly ChikouIsAbovePricesW = (Close > High[KijunSenPeriod]) // In daily time frame we look for a throwback below Kijun, while Tenkan stays above Kijun TIMEFRAME(daily) // Daily Tenkan Sen TenkanSenD = (Highest[TenkanSenPeriod](High) + Lowest[TenkanSenPeriod](Low)) / 2 // Daily Kijun Sen KijunSenD = (Highest[KijunSenPeriod](High) + Lowest[KijunSenPeriod](Low)) / 2 // Daily SSA Senkou Span A //SenkouSpanAFutureD = (TenkanSenD + KijunSenD)/2 // Daily SSB Senkou Span B //SenkouSpanBFutureD = (Highest[SenkouSpanPeriod](High) + Lowest[SenkouSpanPeriod](Low))/2 // Condition Tenkan is above Kijun TenkanSenIsAboveKijunSenDaily = (TenkanSenD > KijunSenD) // We look for a crosses over Kijun PriceCrossesOverKijunDaily = ((Close[1] < KijunSenD) AND (Close > KijunSenD)) // Mean volume on Kijun Sen period VolumeMeanKijunSenPeriod = Average[KijunSenPeriod](Volume) ROCVolume = 100*(Volume / VolumeMeanKijunSenPeriod) SCREENER[TheWeeklyTrendIsBullishNormal AND ChikouIsAbovePricesW AND TenkanSenIsAboveKijunSenDaily AND PriceCrossesOverKijunDaily] SORT BY ROCVolume AS "Rate of Change Volume" |
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Thanks for contributing to the “ichimoku section” of the prorealtime code library
Don’t hesitate to add other codes if you can!
Thank you , this is a great indicator works beautifully.
Could you kindly modify to screen for BEARISH signals ?
Excuse me,… reading your code about spanB: [ SenkouSpanBFutureW = (Highest[SenkouSpanPeriod](High) + Lowest[SenkouSpanPeriod](Low))/2 ]
I can see others contributors define it as: SpanB = (highest[52](high[26])+lowest[52](low[26]))/2 (highs-lows delayed 26)
I wonder wich one definition is properly more suitable to be set. Thank you.