Evening and Morning stars – Screener

Evening and Morning stars – Screener

Dears members,

Please find here below a screener to identify the Morning and Evening stars. As you know, these candlestick structures are very relevant to identify the top and bottom of a trend. It’s also a strong buy and sell signal.

This code has been update to stick as much as possible to the theory of candlestick.

Do not hesitate to contact me or consult my website Boursomaniac for other strategies.


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  1. Boursomaniac • 02/27/2017 #

    In addition, if you want to get more information on how to use the candlestick and evening and morning stars, please read dedicated articles on my website (sorry guys, only in French)

  2. Francesco78 • 02/27/2017 #

    Merci, tres interessant

  3. leederbyshire • 02/27/2017 #

    Hi, would it be possible to combine this screener with roberogozzi’s divergence screener? I’m sorry I have no idea how to code. https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/divergences-screener/

    • leederbyshire • 02/27/2017 #

      This is possible code is available here https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/divergences-screener/

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