Positive Momentum screener

Positive Momentum screener

Stock screener to detect a rising momentum for bullish stocks with the help of MACD and stochastic oscillator on 2 different timeframe (daily and weekly). The screener should be used on ‘weekly’ timeframe selected in ProScreener.


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  1. haseluis • 08/31/2017 #

    Hello, who can help me why the screener does not work
    // Der folgende Code bezieht sich auf den Zeitraum:daily
    indicator1 = SuperTrend[2.5,10]
    c1 = (close > indicator1)

    // Der folgende Code bezieht sich auf den Zeitraum:1 hour
    TIMEFRAME(1 hour)
    indicator2 = SuperTrend[2.5,10]
    c2 = (close > indicator2)

    // Der folgende Code bezieht sich auf den Zeitraum:15 minutes
    TIMEFRAME(15 minutes)
    indicator3 = SuperTrend[2.5,10]
    c3 = (close > indicator3)

    SCREENER[c1 AND c2 AND c3]

    • Nicolas • 08/31/2017 #

      Hello, please ask your question with a new forum topic, this is not the place to ask for support, thank you.

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