Reversal Screener based on CCI and ROC sharp movement

Reversal Screener based on CCI and ROC sharp movement

this Screener identifies sharp movements, pointing to a potential reversal.

It uses CCI and MA of CCI. for example the CCI is above a neutral zone (definable parameter) and the CCIMA is below the neutral zone and has been there for a long (definable parameter) time.

The ROC is used to identify only those instruments where significant price action has occured.

Of course other factors need to be appraised in your investment decision, don’t jump in too early!


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  1. Balmora74 • 01/11/2020 #

    thanks for this code Philippo ! So if i understand well a Positive (+) EntryOK x ROC means a LONG signal and a Negative (-) EntryOK x ROC means a SHORTsignal ? And can we say that more important is EntryOK x ROC and more strong could be the reversal signal ?

  2. Dritan • 01/11/2020 #

    Hi Philippo,thanks for sharing this code.Can You add please Volume more than 250.00?Thanks

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