This screener code will detect price breakout / reversal over round numbers (or “sweet spots”).
They are 2 different levels that the screener can detect, the Main and the Sub ones. You can change them in the code between settings lines.
The screener is made of this indicator: Sweet Spots & round numbers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 |
//PRC_RoundNumber touch Screener | screener //30.03.2018 //Nicolas @ //Sharing ProRealTime knowledge // --- settings MainLevels = 100 SubLevels = 50 // --- end of settings DecAr = MainLevels*pointsize DecArSub = SubLevels*pointsize myVarUp = close myVarDn = close myVarUpSub = close myVarDnSub = close if DecAr = 0 then InvDec = 1 else InvDec = 1/DecAr endif if DecArSub = 0 then InvDecSub = 1 else InvDecSub = 1/DecArSub endif Floor = round(InvDec*myVarDn-0.51)/InvDec Ceil = round(InvDec*myVarUp+0.51)/InvDec FloorSub = round(InvDecSub*myVarDnSub-0.51)/InvDecSub CeilSub = round(InvDecSub*myVarUpSub+0.51)/InvDecSub myVarUp=Ceil myVarDn=Floor myVarUpSub=CeilSub myVarDnSub=FloorSub crossover = close crosses over myVarUp[1] or close crosses over myVardn[1] or close crosses over myvarupsub[1] or close crosses over myvardnsub[1] crossunder = close crosses under myVarUp[1] or close crosses under myVardn[1] or close crosses under myvarupsub[1] or close crosses under myvardnsub[1] test = crossover or crossunder screener[test] |
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Is it possible to have fibo numbers like 1, 2, 3, 5,8 sequence by modifying the calculation?
sorry i dont get it. you want to plot the next level at current price + ratio?
I meant not plotting 4, 6 and 7. This question about having 1,3,5,8 sequence was meant to be in indicator section. If possible.
I wanted to see if plotting this is possible:
Plot 1 and 2 numbers, add 1+2=3, then add 2+3=5, then 3+5=8