Author: jaim


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Frankiesc interesting indicator !! Thanks for sharing!!!
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RobertFX Works fine
Kees Pols great tool! Thank you
tush1822 appreciate your post mate!! it helped me.
Gianluca THANK YOU!!!!!
JOSEBA que relaccion tiene la numeración de las barras del 1 al 10 que tiene cada número Tengo dos...
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Nicolas Non tu ne parlais pas de cela ?! Il fallait afficher l'indicateur sous le graphe principal e...
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Pablo Carmona del Moral hola juanjo, muchas gracias por este screener que nos has compartido. creo que lo voy a util...
Pablo Carmona del Moral para el volumen he cambiado: // Volumen significativo VS=volume>2*(average[10](volume[1...
Juanjo Muchas Gracias Pablo, ...Tengo varios screener, uno lo tengo adaptado para operar intradía, ...
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Ben Ji Bonjour Nicolas, je souhaiterais exploiter votre screener sur la plateforme TradingView. Pou...
Nicolas Non désolé, je ne fournis pas de support pour cette plateforme.
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fredfilm Hi Nicolas, how could we add a price screen to this? eg stock prices between $1 to $3 etc
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4example Thank you
Gaby333 to good to be true dosent do anything))
Anonymous Hi Odin, Thanks for this screener based on the popular criteria to trade trends from Marc...
Arnaud HALVICK Hello! Very nice screener. Thank you! I am using it to scan stocks (weekly). It is very good.
odin you welcome. i would be glad when the screener is nice for you
HeikinAshi what do you think about using the screener in smaller time units (H1, M30) on indexes? And w...
Simba Greetings from germany! :) Can you told me your EXIT-strategy for this, please? :) Would ...
Spawn Voici une version améliorée qui tient compte de plus de critères, notamment l'intégration de...
