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4example excellent, thank you
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Andraxx lo de volumen aceptable, lo dices en relación al Ibex 35 supongo. Porque se margen de volume...
Juanjo Hola Queria preguntarte si la idea de maximos anuales es tuya, o bien está basada en el sis...
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Nicolas Hello, please ask your question with a new forum topic, this is not the place to ask for sup...
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gabri I am not sure I understand what you mean?
Bougnat bonjour, ton screener semble intéressant .... merci pour le partage
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Eusebio Garcia Nuez tambien con que indicador se puede compaginar el ichimoku
Rafa El chivato es el propio SCREENER, aparece cuando las condiciones se cumplen. Y se pueden com...
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Pocket Pivot screener
Pocket Pivot screener
nicko Many Thanks for posting this up !It has been really useful
Rafa Hay una actualización de esta estrategia. Si miras mis posts es más robusta el screener. Un ... Cruce te refieres a: Tenkan Sen, con Kijun Sen?
Rafa Hola Javier, Perdona pero no entiendo tu pregunta, no veo ninguna variable que sea solo "cru...
Nicolas An answer to a query that has been posted in the squeeze indicator: https://www.prorealcode....
Nicolas All conditions under parenthesis for the c1 to c4 conditions should be inverted. 
tomus Can you give an example of the overbought codes please? Thanks.
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mexitrader Great I hope you like it. Here's the code for NR7 indicator cheers   //NR7 C1= Ran...
EricaT Hi mexitrader, could you not create the same pattern screener but on 4 candlesticks NR4 ? I ...
ShaunG Appreciated "mexitrader" thanks for sharing.
Francesco78 Merci, tres interessant
leederbyshire Hi, would it be possible to combine this screener with roberogozzi's divergence screener? I'...
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ahmedbouaziz89 Bonjour, quand j'ajoute le code ou le fichier dans l'outils screeners de Prorealtime je ne v...
tyvix Bonjour le code marche bien c est juste qu'il n y a pas d opportunité au moment ou vous le...
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Maxime Leleux Nice screener but the 2 candelsticks around the doji should be long sticks (red and green). ...
